Development Planning Systems
Approaches to Employee Development
Special Topics
What is the first step in the Development Planning Process?
Besides formal education, assessment and job experiences this is another approach used to develop employees as stated by the textbook
What is interpersonal relationships?
This process helps organizations by identifying and preparing future company leaders, it helps to ensure that the company runs smoothly when key managers and employees leave and creates development and promotion opportunities
What is succession planning?
The process of measuring employees' performance.
What is a performance appraisal?
Employees taking on a position to help them determine if they are interested in working in a new role, etc. Ex. Finance employee trying out a role in marketing.
What is an example of a temporary assignment?
Employees completing a self-evaluation of their behaviors or competencies and their managers, peers, direct reports, and even customers also providing evaluations of them.
What does a 360-degree feedback system involve?
This employee development practice is used least frequently at only 25%
What is internal mentoring programs?
This is the first step in the process of developing a succession plan
What is identifying what positions are included in the plan?
Relationships, problems, demands, tasks, or other features that trigger employee development in their jobs.
What are job experiences?
A transfer is when an employee is assigned to a job in a different area within the company, but does not necessarily come with an increase in responsibilities or compensation. Promotion is an advancement into a position with a greater challenge, more responsibility, and usually a pay increase.
What is the difference between a transfer and a promotion?
Career Development Process.
What is CDP?
Many companies rely primarily on this training and development resource rather than sending employees to programs offered by universities
What is in-house development programs?
The axis on the nine-box grid that is not based on performance is based on this assessment
What is potential or promotability?
Giving employees a series of job assignments in various functional areas of the company or movement among jobs in a single functional area of department.
What is job rotation?
A meeting in which managers gather together to discuss and defend their categorization of employee appraisals.
What is a calibration meeting?
What is a tool companies are using to provide employees with greater access to development systems to manage their own careers?
This company has one of the oldest and most widely known management development centers in the world and invests about $1 billion each year for training and education programs for its employees
What is General Electric?
Managerial behaviors like being insensitive to others, inability to be a team player, arrogance and others can cause an otherwise competent manager to be this
What is toxic or ineffective?
Appraisal that involves collecting subordinates' evaluations of managers' behaviors or skills.
What is upward feedback?
How many personality types are there in the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI)?
This resource, used by Sprint, supports the development plan and includes audiotapes, books, and specific courses designed to improve each of the five core competencies
What is a development activities guide?
Executive education programs typically involve this kind of learning approach combining online learning, face-to-face instruction and other methods for distributing learning content
What is blended learning?
Follow-up of employee progress occurring at different points up to one year after joining a company is a characteristic of this
What is an effective onboarding program?
A three-by-three matrix used by groups of managers and executives to compare employees within one department, function, division, or the entire company.
What is the nine-box grid?
$10 billion
How much do companies spend annually on tuition reimbursement for employees on average?