Is excessive absenteeism or tardiness (excused or unexcused) included under Rules of Conduct in the Employee Handbook?
Yes. Listed under #14 in the Rules of Conduct in the Employee Handbook.
Employees who work at least ___hours a week are eligible for medical coverage.
30 hours a week.
This law prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities.
ADA- Americans with Disabilities Act
When does the first evaluation have to be completed for a probationary classified employee?
No later than the 3rd month of employment.
Who is the Title IX Coordinator for Horizon Charter Schools?
Alison Garcia
What month does open enrollment for health benefits begin?
Who can place an employee on Administrative Leave?
Superintendent or designee.
When do employees need to submit their timesheets to their supervisor for approval?
When do supervisor's need to approve their employees timesheets?
The last working day of the month.
By the 5th of the month.
What are the business hours for non-exempt employees?
What program should an employee be referred to that is struggling with a difficult family issue?
Employee Assistance Program - EAP
A supervisor's main consideration when they learn an employee is going out on FMLA/CFRA?
Facilitating who will be covering while the teacher is out on leave and ensuring impacted families are contacted.
How often should a teacher that has been employed by Horizon for 5 years be evaluated?
Once every 1-3 years. This is up to the supervisor's discretion.
How do employees report an absence?
Employee notifies their supervisor by text or email no later than 30 minutes from the start of their shift. Supervisor's are responsible to notify the absence email.
After how many consecutive days of illness does an employee need to provide a medical note?
Can an employee write their own note?
3 consecutive days employee needs to provide a medical note.
Yes, the employee can write a statement of why they were out.
If you suspect an employee is suffering from a disability and may need accommodations or modifications to perform their job duties. What are your next steps as their supervisor?
Speak with the employee and contact HR to begin the interactive process.
Your employee has been late to staff meetings multiple times over the past couple months. As their supervisor you have verbally addressed and documented using the FRISK model and completed a conference summary.
What is the next step if the employee continues to show up late to staff meetings?
Formal write up that will be placed in the employees personnel file.
How many “no tell” personal necessity days do all employees have per school year?
Can you “roll over” any unused personal necessity days to the next school year?
4 "no tell" days.
Employee cannot roll over any unused "no tell" days year to year.
Employee works 5 hours a day. What meal/rest break is the employee entitled to?
a. 1 rest break
b. 1 lunch break
c. Both A & B
C. Both A & B
Can an HCSCA representative examine an employees personnel file.
Yes, if authorized by the employee.
What is a grievance?
A formal written complaint by an employee, group of employees or the Association, alleging that there has been a misapplication, or misinterpretation of a specific provision of their union agreement which adversely affects the "grievant"