I am the Terminator
Frequently Asked
Compliance is Key
Here, there, anywhere
Employment Practices

This is the lowest level of discipline that goes on record in the personnel file

Written reprimand


When is an employee subject to a new provisional period? 

Transfers between institutions require a new provisional period, even if there is no break in service. 

New hires 

An employee is expected to start work in 3 days but the background check has not cleared yet. How do I handle this? 

The start date should be delayed until a background check is cleared and you have been notified. All employment offers are contingent upon a successful background check. Technically, any start date that is communicated to an employee is TENTATIVE and not confirmed until a background check has cleared. 


How would you advise a manager who has an administrative assistant who has requested to work remotely? 

Evaluate if the job is suitable for teleworking - customer facing? In person requirements? coverage? 

Does the ee have performance concerns?

does the ee have attendance concerns? 


All employees have rights to file a grievance under the grievance policy. T or F?

False, provisional periods do not have grievance rights


An employee is refusing to sign the disciplinary letter that is being issued by her supervisor. What do I do? 

Explain to the EE first that a signature does not indicate that she agrees with the letter or the contents. They are signing that they acknoweldge receipt of it.  If they still refuse to sign, you can note "refused to sign".   It still stands and goes in their file regardless of whether they sign it or not.

I inherited a new employee today and performance evaluations are due in two weeks, but I don't know enough to complete one for the employee. How should I handle this? 

The new supervisor and the former supervisor should work together to complete the evaluation. The meeting should be held jointly or separately, but it is still the former supervisor's responsibility to provide feedback for the time period they supervised the employee. 


There is an non-exempt employee who is not approved to work overtime. She worked 3 hours late yesterday answering phone calls after hours. How should you handle? 

You must pay for the hours worked, but should follow progressive discipline/counseling to inform the employee that they cannot work overtime unless preauthorized to do so. 


I am unable to reach my employee on the days she works remotely. I came to learn that she does not have wi-fi at her home. How would you handle this? 

Employees are expected to maintain access to a working environment at home while working remote, which includes the proper equipment and internet access.  You should discuss with the employee the option of getting internet wi-fi at home. If the internet access cannot be maintained, then the employee may not be able to work remotely. 


An employee has requested paid time off to take breaks throughout the day to observe prayer times. How would you handle this? 

Refer it to ECRC as this may be a religious accommodation. 

Whether it would be paid or unpaid time off would depend on the circumstances. 


You've had several conversations with your employee regarding his inability to complete tasks and meet deadlines and yet nothing has changed. You'd like to make your message more formal. What might use to assist you to clarify your expectations? 

PIP - Performance Improvement Plan


When should you start to document a concern with an employee? And what are some elements of good documentation? 

Right away; 

Timely; accurate; data driven; examples; specificity


A manager has an employee who is on a PIP. The ee just requested to take FMLA for 6 weeks. How do I handle this? 

If eligible and approved for FMLA, you cannot deny the leave. When the employee returns, she is still held accountable to the expectations of the PIP. Everything is just paused while on leave. PIP timeline can be extended to account for the leave time. 


What is required to submit an out of state remote work request?

- Complete the appropriate request online 

- attach a justification memo with department approval; for faculty, provost must approve

- Employee cannot work out of state until approved


An employee who works in the mail services has a new medical condition that restricts him from lifting anything greater than 10 lbs. How would you handle this request for accommodation?  

If lifting items greater than 10 pounds are an essential function of this position, it may be considered unreasonable to accommodate this particular restriction. They should engage in an interactive dialogue to determine if there are other duties that can be assigned, if there are other positions that are available, etc. 


I am planning to terminate an employee for egregious conduct. How do I make sure the employee is not considered for employment at GSU in the future? 

Eligibility of Rehire policy; Request and review made for ineligible for rehire designation - rare. 

If an employee writes a rebuttal to a progressive disciplinary document, should I, as a supervisor, rebut the employee's rebuttal?

Typically, no, unless there is new information that has surfaced since the original disciplinary notice was written.


Part 1 What is nepotism in the workplace? 

Part 2 What is prohibited by the Employment of Relatives policy? 

1 Showing favoritism toward relatives based on relationship, rather than merit

2 Creating a subordinate-superior relationship between an employee and a relative through any line of authority  


What does a pattern of sick leave abuse look like? 

Pattern of time taken around pre-approved time off, weekends, holidays, scheduled presentations or other high demand work times. 


What are the steps in the progressive discipline process? 

Is it legally required to go through all of the steps in the progressive discipline process? 

Memo of Expectations *

Verbal Counseling 

Written Reprimand

Final Reprimand/Warning





I cannot discipline an employee who has an ADA accommodation; T or F? and why or why not?



When can I terminate an employee for being a no call no show? 

After at least (3) three days of NO contact.   Certain steps should be taken first


Which of the following is an example of a conflict of interest in the workplace? 

1An ee takes a part time job in addition to their ft job
2An ee takes part in a charity event on the weekend
3An ee accepts a gift from a vendor whose contract they are responsible for approving
4A colleague helps another employee with an unrelated task 

Definitely 3 and maybe 1, depending on whether the part time job is related, during work hours, and if it was disclosed appropriately. 


It's been a week since my employee submitted her resignation letter. She now wants to take it back and withdraw her resignation. I do not want to keep her because she was a poor performer and I was thankful when she decided to resign. How do I handle this? 

Best practice - accept employee's resignation immediately and in writing. Generally, you do not have to allow an employee to withdraw or rescind a notice of resignation once it has been accepted and you have relied upon it. 

How much paid leave time does the voting leave policy allow for? 

Up to 2 hours