Management of employee stress
Understand the cause of employees stress
Negative effect of stress
Positive effect of stress
Defining and explaining employee stress
The first step in organizational stress management. It should involve finding an applicant with the required skills to perform a job.
What is Job Selection?
Dissatisfaction with and negative attitude toward work environment. Results when employees must respond to the demands and timelines of others with little control over events. Occurs in careers which include feelings of too little authority, unfair labor practices and inadequate job descriptions.
What is low employee morale?
Employees who are dissatisfied and experience continued stress at work often resign, forcing the company to replace them.
What is high staff turnover and recruitment cost?
True or False: Stress can be positive
It is any impetus, internal state, condition, or event with a noticeable individual response, usually in the form of positively adapting or negatively adapting to a new or different situation in one’s environment.
What is Stress?
An aspect of controlling that reduces employee stress by relieving insecurities and empowering employees to improve performance. It compares employees' performance to a standard.
What is feedback/performance appraisal?
When a workplace has poor communication and employees are not included in decision-making processes, workers don’t feel supported by their coworkers and employers
What is poor workplace relationships?
Employees who lack discipline, are dissatisfied or have high levels of stress often exhibit these types of behavior.
What is absenteeism and presenteeism?
Positive stress is also known as? a. Distress b. Eustress c. Stress less d. Prostress
What is Eustress
This usually occurs because of a sudden change in your environment but only lasts a short while.
What is Acute Stress?
A type of employee benefit that improves work/life balance allowing employees to spend more time on their social activities, thereby reducing stress levels.
What is flexible work hours?
Description of the work employees must perform and actions for which they are accountable. May include heavy workload, infrequent breaks, long hours and shifts, unnecessary routine tasks, ignoring workers’ skills and leading to employee stress.
What is job responsibilities?
This can lead to a loss of employees, customers and income, forcing organizations to close their doors for good.
What is reputational damage?
Mental or behavioural efforts used to manage problems relating to stress, including its cause and the unpleasant feelings and emotions it produces
What is coping?
This type of stress can be the result of pressures, from work or outside work, not managed or dealt with in harmful, unhealthy ways.
What is Chronic Stress?
Type of leadership style associated with increased trust and employee well-being. It focuses on needs of employees and involves them in decision-making. It inspires employees to question decisions and find better ways to achieve goals.
What is Transformational Leadership Style?
To perform a job effectively, individuals need to feel that they have appropriate training, equipment and means. They also need to feel that they are adequately informed and valued.
What are resources and communication?
A. A decrease in concentration and motivation can lead to this. B. This happens when employees become more accident prone.
A. What is reduced productivity level? B. What is increased health and safety issues?
An American psychologist; known for his Transactional Model of Stress and Coping
Who is Richard Lazarus?
These are life proceedings such as daily irritations, pressures at home or on the job, marital in-harmoniousness, and conflicts.
What are Stressors?
A questionnaire used to objectively measure sources of stress in the workplace? Consists of 200 questions and compares responses to those in a database for analysis.
What is Occupational Stress Indicator?
Where work is completed. May lead to physical stress related to noise, lack of privacy, poor temperature control or inadequate facilities and is critical in lowering workplace stress.
What is work environment?
A. The main reason why organizations implement health and safety policies and ensure that their employees adhere to them. B. The price tag for educating employees in the areas of stress management, health and occupational safety, and interpersonal skills.
A. What is litigation? B. What is increased training cost?
________ is a way to help employees become stronger as a result of experiencing stress. a. Reverse psychology b. Cross training c. Resilience training d. Stress management
What is Resilience Training?
Extreme experiences during work, Radical changes; Extreme experiences in social networks; and Extreme experiences from outside are all forms acute stress at this location.
What is the Workplace?