Job Search
Employer Expectations

Name 2 Job Search Websites

Indeed, ZipRecruiter, LinkedIn, Job's Website


List 3 interview "Do's"?

Arrive early, dress appropriately (professionally), speak clearly, make eye contact, use proper grammar, ask questions, practice before, bring a resume with you, and know your skills, strengths, and weaknesses.


What is a dress code?

What an employer requires/expects you to wear for work. Example (Uniform, Special Shoes, Name Badge, etc...)


What is a Resume?

A summary of your personal information, education, skills, and work experience.


What should you use to write with when you fill out an application?

Blue or Black Pen


What Does it mean to network?

the exchange of information and ideas among people with a common profession or special interest, usually in an informal social setting.


Give examples of 2 possible interview questions the interviewer may ask you?

What hours are you available to work? Can you work weekends or holidays? What are your strengths / weaknesses? Why do you want to work for our company? What is your previous work or volunteer experience? What would your teachers or past co workers say about you?


Describe, or give an example of how an employee could be flexible on the job.

Staying late, coming in early, working in a different department, and working weekends/holidays....


What information is listed or included in the (Heading) of you resume?

Name, Address, phone number, Email, (Contact Information)


Who can you use as a reference?

Co-workers, Boss, Teachers, Counselors, Coaches, Friends of the family (NO Family / Relatives)


Name 3 ways to look for a job

Hiring ads/classifieds, Networking, Calling around, Internet/Social Media, Job fair, etc. 


What are 3 interview "Don'ts"?

Be late, chew gum, slouch, use incorrect or bad language, take a cell phone, look around, dress inappropriately, wear piercings, mumble, take anyone with you...


What does it mean to take initiative on the job?

Show interest in learning new tasks, look for work or tasks to do without being asked, going above and beyond what you usually do on the job.


What is an Objective on the resume?

A sentence or statement that lists your employment goals and positions desired.


If you have had more than one job, which one do you list first on the application?

The most recent


What does making Cold Calls / Cold calling, mean?

Contacting employers without prior notice of permission by walking in, in person, by email, fax, or telephone call....


Give an example of a questions you may ask an employer if given the opportunity.

What is the dress code? What hours would you expect me to work? When will you make your decision? May I contact you? Can you tell me a little more about your company? Will I be expected to travel? What are the benefits?


Name 2 job skills an employee may have.

Computer, Mechanical, Typing/Keyboarding, Artistic, Social, Math, Communication, Building relationships, Leadership, Organizational, trustworthiness, reliable, dependable.   


What should be listed under education?

Please provide the school name, school location, degree earned, special courses taken, clubs, how long attended, awards, and certifications. 


If you are hired and plan on working 15-20 hours per week, this is considered what type of employment?

Part time


What things should you consider when searching for employment?

Distance, means of transportation, matching skills, interests, hours, tasks, responsibilities, pay / salary, benefits...


How should you end an interview?

Thank the interview for their time and shake their hand. Wait to be excused. Make sure to have a business card.


Name 2 expectations employers have of their employees.

Punctual(on time), Follow rules, Cooperate, Dress appropriately, Attend to no cell phone, Honesty, Loyalty, and Good Customer service.


What should be listed under work experience?

Company name, location, job title, duties (responsibilities), dates of employment....


What do you need if you are age 16 or you are still attending high school full time?

Worker's Permit