Things you do regularly on the job. For example, getting all your supplies before you begin a task.
What are work habits?
Try your best to adapt to the new schedule, ask questions if you need to. Do your best!
What is: what can you do if your schedule changes?
There are two: #11 and #13
What is: How many city bus routes are near North Kent CBOT?
Working helps people earn income and also makes people feel satisfied with their lives when they do a job they enjoy and find meaningful.
What is: why do people work?
Being present every day and rarely being absent.
What is good attendance?
ASK! Ask your boss or co-workers to help you understand.
What is what can you do if you do not understand instructions at the job?
If you don't know what to do you should ask. If you already know what the next thing is, show initiative and do it (you may also need to tell someone what you're doing).
What is: what should you do when you finish one task at work?
Taking a shower or bath daily, using deodorant, brushing your teeth, comb/brush your hair, shaving, wearing clean clothes, keeping your nails trim and clean.
What is: how can you show good hygiene or grooming?
People can count on you to do what you need to do. It shows you are responsible.
What is: why is good attendance important?
Something usually written that shows what you are doing during a certain period of time.
What is a schedule?
They are people who are in control of you, for examply, your boss at work.
What is authority figures?
Listen to them and try to understand what they are saying. If you understand, tell them and try to do better. If you do not understand, ask them in a respectful way to explain more.
What is: what would you do if an authority figure tells you you're doing something wrong?
This grooming thing takes about 5 minutes.
What is: How long does it take to brush your teeth?
So you know what you need to do at that specific time.
What is: why is it important to be aware of the time?
Doing well at producing something.
What is productive?
Upcoming appointments, special events, days not working, days off, meetings, etc.
What is: what kinds of things you put on a personal calendar or planner?
Personal information (name, address, phone number), social security number, educational information, past work experiences and references.
What is: what information is asked for on a job application?
You show this by trying your best and having a good attitude about it.
What is: How can you show good effort at the job?
When you do your best, you can keep your job, possibly get promoted and feel great about yourself!
What is: why is it important to do your best at a job?
To show someone something.
What is demonstrate?
You can let people know, check the ads in the newspaper or online, go to an employment agency for assistance.
What is: what can you do if you're trying to get a job?
The purpose is to record how many hours you work so you can get paid for the work you do.
What is: what is the purpose of a time sheet?
Poor attendance, being late frequently, talking too much, not getting your work done, having a poor attitude, being lazy, being disrespectful to authority figures or co-workers or others.
What is: How might a worker get fired?
When you complain, you are not focusing on the job and tasks may not get done. It also shows a poor work attitude.
What is: why would you never want to complain at work?