Hard & Soft Skills
Disability Rights
Your Resume
Interviewing Skills
Rules of Professionalism

Is computer programming an example of a hard skill, or a soft skill?

Hard skill.  Hard skills are concrete skills that can be taught and are required for a specific job.


True or False:  You are required to tell your boss about your disability.

False.  You are not required to tell potential employers about your disability.  However, you can choose to ask for accommodations at any point in the employment process.


How many pages should your resume be?

One or two pages.  A one-page resume is most common, and up to two pages is okay, but any longer than that and employers will lose interest.


What will an employer think if you show up 10 minutes late for a job interview?

They will think that you are not reliable or professional.  They will assume that if hired, you will consistently show up late for the job.


Which would be appropriate clothing for a job interview?
A) Jeans and a t-shirt
B) Slacks and a button-down shirt

(B).  Job applicants are usually expected to dress up professionally for a job interview.


Is creativity an example of a hard skill, or a soft skill?

Soft skill.  Soft skills are interpersonal "people skills" or character traits that are relevant to many different jobs.


True or False:  If you have ADHD or autism, you are protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

True.  The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) protects people with all kinds of disabilities, not just physical ones. 


True or False:  You can include information about clubs, sports, or extracurricular activities you are involved in on your resume.

True.  Extracurricular activities can be one way you demonstrate your soft skills to employers.


Give an example of expected body language you can use during an interview to show you are paying attention and interested.

Examples:  Making occasional eye contact, facing the interviewer, showing listening by nodding, sitting upright, not looking at phone or other distractions.


Give an example of one thing that could make your resume seem unprofessional to employers.

Example answers:  Typos or formatting errors, an unprofessional email address, informal language, etc.


Give an example of one way you can learn a hard skill.

Example answers:  Taking a college class, getting experience in an entry-level job, volunteering, etc.


An employer finds out that a job applicant has ADHD.  The employer thinks the applicant might have problems focusing on their work, and decides not to hire them.  Is this legal or illegal?

Illegal. This is discrimination.  Any discrimination based on disability is illegal according to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).


True or False: You should include a photograph of yourself on your resume.

False.  Your resume should include only relevant information about your education, skills, and experience.


True or False:  When an employer says "Tell me about yourself" during a job interview, you should focus on your personal life and hobbies.

False. Always stay focused on the purpose of the interview.  What the employer really wants to know is how this job connects to your interests, past experience, and career goals.


An employer emails an applicant to schedule a job interview.  The applicant replies to the email with: "yeah im free whenever."  Is this professional or unprofessional?  Why?

Unprofessional.  Employers expect all communication from potential employees to use formal language - polite greetings, complete sentences, and correct grammar and spelling.


Give an example of one soft skill that employers might want all of their employees to have.

Example answers:  Reliability, time management, problem-solving, communication, teamwork, etc.


Fill in the blank:  Under the law, employers are required to provide reasonable _______ to employees with disabilities.

Accommodations.  The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations to employees with disabilities.


On average, how long will an employer spend looking at your resume?

Less than one minute (some studies say as little as 6 seconds).  So it's important to make a strong first impression!


True or False:  If an employer says "Do you have any questions for me?" during an interview, that is a good time for you to ask about how much vacation time you will get.

False.  During an interview, the employer is trying to learn whether you will be motivated to do well in the position.  Asking about vacation time right away might lead them to assume that you are not motivated and that time off is the only thing you care about.


During a job interview, the employer asks about a college class the applicant listed on their resume.  The applicant says, "I got a good grade in that class even though the professor was awful."  Is this professional or unprofessional?  Why?

Unprofessional.  It is considered unprofessional to make negative comments about any employers, coworkers, or teachers you have worked with in the past.  It might also make the employer think that you don't work well with others.


Dr. G. is a surgeon who got good grades in medical school and knows everything there is to know about anatomy.  However, they are often late for work, don't collaborate well with others, and don't follow through on tasks.  Dr. G. has good _____ skills, but poor _____ skills.

Good hard skills but poor soft skills.  Dr. G. does not have important soft skills like reliability and teamwork.  Do you think they would be a good surgeon?  Why or why not?


Which of these is an example of a reasonable accomodation?
A) Providing the employee with short breaks during the work day
B) Asking someone else to do the employee's work for them

(A).  A reasonable accommodation is something that does not interfere with the essential functions of the job.  


When you write bullet points under each work experience on your resume, what information should you include?

Example answers:  Your job responsibilities and accomplishments, strong action verbs, tools or skills you used, what impact your actions had.


True or False:  When an employer asks "What is your greatest weakness?" during an interview, a good answer would be "I don't really have any weaknesses."  

False.  Everyone has weaknesses, so this answer will sound dishonest. What employers really want to know is whether you are good at recognizing your weaknesses and working to improve on them.  A better answer would be to tell about a time you took specific steps to improve on your weakness.


During a job interview, the employer asks a difficult question.  The applicant says, "Could you repeat the question?  I want to make sure I understand before answering."  Is this professional or unprofessional?  Why?

Professional.  Asking for clarification is always a good idea!  It shows you are taking the question seriously and that you know how to ask questions when needed, which is an important skill in any job.