Ways to Improve Self-Esteem
Body Image and Positivity

What is self-esteem? 

Self-esteem is how someone values and perceives themselves, based on their opinions and beliefs

What is insecurity? 

Lack of confidence or assurance; self-doubt


Give 2 examples of positive affirmations

I am strong, I am worthy, I am resilient, etc. :)


What is Body Image? 

Body image is a combination of thoughts and feelings about your body.


What is empowerment? 

Empowerment: the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one's life and claiming one's rights.


True or False: Self-esteem is a constant in our lives? (meaning is does not change like eye color, etc.) 

People often talk about self-esteem like it is a constant such as your height or your eye color. Self-esteem can vary greatly from situation to situation and from place to place


True or False: Someone can appear “strong” on the outside but can still have insecurities on the inside 



Give 2 examples of ways to boost self-esteem

Nullify negative thoughts, Practice positive self-talk, Learn when not to care, Don’t “catch” other people’s negativity, Chase support and encouragement , Keep mistakes in perspective, Goals are golden, Get outside your comfort zone, Use humor, Accept imperfections


What are 2 aspects of a positive body image? 

acceptance of body's shape and size, appreciation for what your body can do versus how it looks, confidence in one's appearance, being comfortable in your own skin, a healthy relationship with food and exercise, etc.  


What is personal empowerment? 

  • Personal empowerment is about taking control of your own life, and making positive decisions based on what you want.

  • It's closely linked to attributes like self-esteem and self-confidence, but true empowerment comes when you convert intention into action.


What is self-talk? 

Self-talk is the internal narrative you hold about yourself. It’s your inner voice and you may or may not have spent much time thinking about it or giving it any attention. The truth is, our self-talk can have a much bigger influence on the way we see ourselves, and the world around us than we realize


True or False: People who say they have no insecurities may even be more insecure than those who are willing to admit them 


Name a strength for every person in the room

examples of strengths: kindness, loyalty, bravery, etc. 


What are 2 aspects of an unhealthy body image? 

discomfort with one's body, obsessive focus on one's weight and appearance, comparison to others, feeling ashamed or embarrassed of one's body, engaging in disordered eating behaviors, low self-esteem/negative self-talk, etc. 


Name 2 things that help you feel empowered

Spending time with positive supports, positive self-talk, etc.


What are some benefits of positive self-talk? 

Reduce stress, Boost confidence and resiliency, Helps build positive relationships


What are some common causes for insecurities? 

Difficulties in childhood, comparison to others, uncertainty, discrimination, etc. 


Identify two things that make you feel confident 

example: cooking, dancing, spending time with friends, etc. 


What are 3 factors that influence body image? 

family/friends/peers, culture, social media, etc. 


What is unconditional self worth? 

Unconditional self-worth is the feeling that you deserve to be loved, cared for, and alive, and to take up space


What are 2 categories of negative self-talk? 

  • Personalizing – Meaning you blame yourself when things go wrong.

  • Polarizing – Meaning you see things only as good or bad, no gray areas or room for middle ground.

  • Magnifying – Meaning you only focus on the bad or negative in every scenario and dismiss anything good or positive.

  • Catastrophizing – Meaning you always expect the worst

What are some ways to overcome insecurities? 

develop coping skills, stop comparing out, practice radical self acceptance, work on building confidence, etc. 

What is the difference between self-esteem and self-worth? 

Self-worth is a person's internal sense of being worthy of love and belonging, while self-esteem is a person's confidence and opinion of themselves


Name 2 ways to develop a positive body image

positive self-talk, practicing unconditional self-worth, radical self-acceptance, etc. 


What are the four dimensions of self empowerment?

cognitive, behavioral, social, and emotional