This prefix means fast or rapid.
What is tachy-? (also means bad choice in clothes)
This refers to the amount of air that can be taken into the lungs.
What is tidal volume?
this refers to the vessels carrying blood away from the heart.
What is Arteries?
houses the brain.
What is the skull?
This root refers to the lungs.
What is pneum/pulm?
This Suffix refers to inflammation.
what is -itis?
The place where oxygen and carbon dioxide is exchanged.
What is the alveoli?
The vessels that carry blood to the heart.
What are the veins?
the longest bone in the body.
What is the Femur?
this position refers to when someone is sitting, slightly reclined.
what is the semi- fowlers position?
This suffix refers to the study or specialization of something.
What is -ology/ologist?
The primary muscle that contracts and relaxes to move air in and out of the lungs.
What is the Diaphragm?
oxygenated blood enters the heart here.
What is the left Atrium?
The Radial artery runs next to this bone.
What is the Radius?
this is what you get when the heart muscles contract and relax.
What is pulse?
This root refers to this intestines.
What is enter?
This structure helps to minimize the possibility of choking.
What is the epiglottis?
de-oxygenated blood is received here.
What is the right atrium?
these are also called digits.
What are phalanges?
the stomach rests in this qaudrant.
What is the Left Upper qaudrant?
This root refers to the kidneys.
What is Nephr/rene?
This originates from the brainstem to control respirations.
What is the autonomic nervous system?
This is the largest and strongest chamber of the heart.
What is the Left Ventricle?
The bone structure in the middle of the body that connects to the ribs in the front.
What is the Sternum?
This is the circulation of blood through the tissues.
What is perfusion?