What does BLS stand for?
Basic Life Support
What does ALS stand for?
Advanced Life Support
The first stage of the Grieving process
Person cannot believe what is happening
("Not me!")
What is using gloves, eye protection, and additional protection called?
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
How do you reduce the risk of a needle stick
Place in sharps container
What is the minimum level of certification for an Ambulance?
To provide immediate care for a sick or injured patient.
The second stage of the Grieving process
This reaction may be directed toward you by patient or family.
("Why me?")
An infection control concept that treats all body fluids as potentially infectious.
Standard precautions
What is the best way to decrease your chance of contracting an infectious disease?
______ is the administration of an electric shock to a patient who is experiencing a highly irregular heartbeat.
(Ventricular Tachycardia/ Ventricular Fibrillation)
1. Transport
2. Prompt Transport
3. Rapid Transport
The third stage of the Grieving Process
the act of trying to make a deal to postpone death and dying.
("Okay, but...")
List a couple ways an infected person transmits an airborne pathogen.
1. cough
2. Sneeze
What is the first priority of EMS personnel
Our own personal safety
You are at the scene of a shooting. The patient, who is being cared for by paramedics , is unconscious and has a severe uncontrollable bleeding. As an EMR, your MOST important function is to:
Help the paramedics prepare for transport
The fourth stage of the grieving process
often characterized by sadness or despair
List a couple ways a blood borne pathogen may be transmitted to you as an EMR.
1. Blood gets in your eyes, mouth or open wound
2. needle stick
The disease-causing agents that are spread through contact with infectious microorganisms.
What does M.A.S.H. stand for?
Mobile Army Surgical Hospitals
Name the TWO types of medical direction/control, and give an example of each.
1. Indirect/Offline - Policies and procedures, training
2. Direct/Online - two-way radio/ Cell phone
The final stage of the grieving process
At this point, one generally understands that death and dying are a natural event, and cannot be changed.
What does CISM stand for, and briefly state what it is.
Critical Incident Stress Management
A process that confronts the responses to critical incidents and defuses them, directing the emergency services personnel toward physical and emotional equilibrium.
The three most common routes for transmission of infectious disease are:
1. Blood-borne
2. Airborne
3. Direct contact