This person is lying on their back
What is supine position.
The invisible line going down the middle of the body dividing the body into left and right halves.
What is midline
The right kidney is in this quadrant
What is the right upper quadrant?
This prefix refers to the heart.
What is cardio-?
This stage of life is ranged from ages birth to 1 year old.
What is Infant?
This person is face down
What is prone position.
The invisible line going down the side of the body dividing the body into front and back halves.
What is midaxillary
The left ureter is in this quadrant
What is the left lower quadrant?
This prefix means high,above, or beyond.
What is hyper-?
This stage of life is ranged from ages 1 to 3 years old.
What is Toddler?
This person is laying on their side
What is lateral recumbent position.
Your head is ___ to your chest.
What is Superior?
The spleen is in this quadrant
What is the left upper quadrant?
This Prefix means slow.
What is brady-?
This life stage is ranged from ages 12 to 18.
What is adolescence?
This person is on their back with their legs bent at the hips and their feet raised.
What is shock position?
Your feet are ___ to your head.
What is inferior?
The appendix is in this quadrant
What is the right lower quadrant?
This Prefix means low,below, or under.
What is hypo-?
This life stage is ranged from 18 to end of life.
What is adulthood?
This person is lying flat with their feet higher than their head.
What is trendelenburg position?
The shoulder is ____ to the elbow.
What is proximal?
True or false the small intestine is in all quadrants
What is true?
This prefix refers to the mouth.
What is oro-?
This life stage is ranged from birth to 28 days.
What is neonate?