Special Population

Most likely cause of bradycardia in a infant?



What is Cushings triad ?


irregular respirations 

increase systolic blood pressure


Contraindications for aspirin

need at least 2

Children, known hypersensitivity, acute ulcers disease, signs or history of stroke.


Signs and symptoms for emphysema

-Thin barrel, chest appearance.
-Nonproductive cough -Pink complexion (polycythemia)- Prolonged inspiration -clubbing of fingers - wheezing - rhonchi - extreme dyspnea on exertion 


What’s another word for laryngotracheobronchitis?



2 Signs of Placenta Previa 

2 Signs of Abruptio Placenta 

Placenta Previa

-Mostly Painless or (aching pain)-bright red bleeding -aching pain - strongly associated with #of previous C sections - Most common cause of pre term bleeding 

Abruptio Placenta 

-Super painful (stabbing pain) - Dark Red bleeding - localized uterine tenderness 


An adult male has third-degree burns posterior to his head and all of his upper and lower back. What percentage of burns does the patient have?

4.5% back of head

9% upper back 

9% lower back

22.5 % total 


ETCO2 range when performing CPR on a cardiac arrest patient

10-15 mmHg 

If falls below 10 change patient needs better quality CPR.

*** it’s a low ETCO2 because the bodies metabolism stops working as a result, less byproduct. “CO2”

Body is producing lactic acid, not CO2


Abnormal high-pitched musical sound caused by an upper airway obstruction (super glottic)

Stridor lung sounds 


Normal pH range in a human body 



Difference between Para and Gravida 

Gravida -  number of times a woman has been pregnant

Para - number of live birth ( infants born after 20 weeks of gestation) 


Needle decompression placement? 

Historically: Second intercostal space mid clavicular 

Updated evidence: 5th intercostal space anterior axillary


Cardiac Tamponade signs 

(Need at least 5 signs )

JVD   -Electrical Alternans  - Pulsus paradoxes

Hypotension - Chest pain -Dyspnea 

Muffled Heart tones - AMS -orthopnea 

Narrowing Pulse pressures -trauma to chest 


In the human body, which lung side is larger?
Right or Left. 

The right side is larger and has three lobes compared to the left that has two lobes.

The left lung is smaller than the right lung to make room for the heart, which is located mainly on the left side of the chest:


Number one cause of lower G.I. bleed out pouching of tissue that pushed through intestine wall

 Signs and symptoms of this disease.

LLQ pain, fever, tenderness on palpitations, constipation, low fiber diet, solids stool



Treatmeant for Pulsesless VT / or VF in a pedi arrest (16y and younger) 

CPR , 15:2 (2 person) 30:2 (1 person)

Defibrillate 2J/Kg

Second dose: 4 joules/kg .

Third Doses: Defibrillation at 4 joules/kg up to 10 joules/kg not to exceed the adult dose.

Administer Epinephrine 0.01 mg/kg IV/IO (0.1 mL/kg of 0.1 mg/ml, maximum 1 mg). 

Repeat Epinephrine every 3 to 5 minutes.

 Administer Amiodarone 5 mg/kg (max 300 mg) IV/10.


Difference between acid and Alkali burns

Acid-burning process last just one to two minutes will cause coagulation

Alkali - burning process last of minutes two hours will cause liquefication necrosis


What are the intrinsic rates ?

Sinoatrial nodes SA ?

Atrioventricular AV ?

Purkinjes fibers ?

Sinoatrial nodes SA  60-100

Atrioventricular AV 40-60

Purkinjes fibers 40-15


A patient with Status Asthmatics
What are some treatments we can do?

Need at least 3 correct answers 

Administer Albuterol (Proventil) aerosol 2.5mg/2.5ml via nebulizer.

Consider adding 1 vial Ipatropium Bromide (0.5mg of 0.017%) May substitute Duoneb 

C. If multiple Albuterol treatments are anticipated, administer Prednisone 60 mg PO or Solu-Medrol (Methylprednisolone) 125 mg IV or PO.

 Consider initiating non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (BIPAP or CPAP). 

 Consider administering epinephrine 0.3 mg IM (1mg/ml) followed by magnesium sulfate 2 g IV/IO diluted in 100 ml normal saline over 20 minutes.


Hypoglycemia in the alcoholic patients treatment ?

Administer thiamine (100 mg slow IV or IM) Along with glucose **** unable to metabolize glucose without adequate thiamine 


Sickle cell signs and symptoms

(looking for at least 3)

Incredibly painful in joints and body 

Possible chest pain

Swollen hands and feet

Severe anemia

Prominent in African-American


What is anterior cord syndrome?

Usually seen in hyperflexion injuries in the spinal cord… decreased sensation of pain and temperature below level of lesion, intact light touch and position sensation paralysis below the level of lesion 


Functions of these receptors? (Need at least one answer for each)

Alpha one receptors

Beta one receptors

Beta two receptors

Alpha 1 - receptors cause vasoconstriction, pupillary, dilation, and decrease renin secretions

BETA 1 RECEPTORS "You have 1 heart" Increased Heart Rate (Chronotropy) Increased Contraction (Inotropy) Increased Automaticity/Conduction Impulse (Dromotropy)

BETA 2 RECEPTORS "You have 2 lungs" Bronchodilation, and Vasodilation



In intubation where is the tip of the Miller Blade placed compared to the Macintosh Blade placed ?

Miller Blade .. Tip of blade is applied DIRECTLY to the epiglottis to expose the vocal cord (highly recommend in infants to displace tongue better) best for anterior airways

Mac blade.. Tip of blade is inserted into the vallecula—displace tongue to the left to lift the epiglottis with out touching it (INDIRECTLY)


Mastoid bruising or Cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea can be a sign of what ?

 Basilar skull fracture