The Epinephrine 1:1 dose for an adult patient who is experiencing an anaphylactic reaction
What is 0.3mg
What is the dose for 1:1 Epinephrine for a pediatric patient who is experiencing an anaphylactic reaction
What is 0.15mg
Your medic says that the patient needs to be put on CPAP. What is the oxygen flow rate needed?
What is 10-12lpm of o2?
Administration of Nitroglycerin is contraindicated in patients with systolic blood pressures less than?
What is 110
How often should the BVM be squeezed during an adult cardiac arrest?
What is once every 6 seconds?
The dose of Narcan for an adult suffering from an expected overdose
What is 2-4mg?
What is the dose of acetaminophen for a pediatric patient with a fever?
What is 15mg/kg
You are working a cardiac arrest with your medic unit and you obtain ROSC. Your medic states that they intend to pace the patient. What must you attach prior to the medic starting the pacer?
What is the three lead?
Your medic says to administer oral glucose to a patient who is altered. Why is this contraindicated?
What is they cannot protect their own airway
The compression rate for both adults and children is what?
What is 100-120 compressions per min?
The dose of Nitroglycerin for an adult with chest pain
What is 0.4mg
What is the dose of albuterol for a pediatric patient who is experiencing an asthma attack?
What 2.5mg
*Quad Play*
Name four things inside of the IV start kit
What is: Tape, Tourniquet, Alcohol Prep, Tegaderm, Gauze pad, and Iodine Prep
What is false?
When ventilating a newborn, one breath should be administered how often?
What is every 2-3 seconds?
The dose for acetaminophen for an adult patient with mild to moderate pain
What is 650mg
*Daily Double*
What is the dose for a pediatric patient with signs of a opioid overdose?
What is 2-4mg?
You are working a cardiac arrest with your medic unit. Your lead medic states that the patient is in v-tach without a pulse. The medic says that you need to move the pads from their current position to an alternate vector. Where do you move the pads to?
What is the middle of the chest and middle of the back?
*Daily Double*
The only true contraindication to aspirin for suspected MI is what?
What is 60 beats per min
The dose of Glucagon for an adult unresponsive diabetic
What is 1mg
What is the dose for glucagon in a pediatric patient that is over 4 years old with a suspected hypoglycemic emergency?
What is 1mg
Your medic says that they need to administer an amiodarone drip to a patient who is in V-tach with a pulse. What type of drip set and bag do you grab?
What is D5 with a 60 drop set
Unconscious or acutely unable to follow commands, or unable to self-maintain airway 2. Respiratory arrest/apnea 3. Suspected pneumothorax or chest trauma 4. Patient has a tracheostomy 5. Actively vomiting 6. Upper GI bleeding are contraindications of what?
What is CPAP
*Quad Play*
Name the four instances when compressions should be interrupted?
What is during procedures, pre/post defibrillation, pulse check, and transfer to the cot