Human Body
Medication doses

A policy or protocol issued by a medical director that authorizes EMT's and others to perform particular skills in certian situations.

What is Standing Orders?


Your first responsibility at any scene is the safety of...

What is Personal Safety.


leaving a patient after care has been initiated and before the patient has been transferred to someone with equal or greater medical training.

What is Abandonment.


Name the five divisions of the spine.

What is servical thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccyx.


324 mg orally

What is aspirin


A strict form of infection control that is based on the assumption that all blood and other body fluids are infectious.

What is Standard Precautions?


There are four general levels of EMS training and certification. (list from lowest to highest)

What is first responder, EMT basic, EMT intermediate, and EMT paramedic.

The consent it is presumed a patient or patients parent would give if they could such as for an unconscioius patient or a parent who cannot be contacted when care is needed.
What is implied consent.

List the four chambers of the heart.

What is right atrium, right ventricle, left atrium, and left ventricle.


15 grams orally

What is oral glucose

A set of regulations and ethical considerations that define the scope, or extent and limits, of the EMT's job.
What is Scope of Practice?

Medical director issues a standing order that allows EMT's to give medication in certian circumstances without speaking directly to the medical director. This is known as..

What is offline medical direction.

A finding of failure to act properly in a situation i which there was a duty to act and that harm was caused to the patient as a result.
What is Negligence.

List the organs in the upper left quadrant

What is liver, spleen, pancreas, stomach, left kidney, and colon.


2.5mg / 3ml

What is albuterol

A method of lifting and carrying a patient during which one rescuer slips hand under the patient's armpits and grasps the wrists, while another rescuer grasps the patients knees.
What is Extremity Lift?

Which of the following statments about DNR orders are false. A. A DNR order requires a signature from a physician. B. You do not actually have to see the order verbal comfirmation from a family member is sufficient. C. Mentally competent patients may refuse care.

What is Answer B. You do not actually have to see the order verbal comfirmation from a family member is sufficient.

A set of regulations and ethical considerations that define the scope, or extent, and lmits of the EMT's job
What is scope of practice.

List the organs located in the right upper quadrant.

What is liver, right kidney, colon, pancreas, and gall bladder.


.4mg sublingual

What is nitro

Form the structure of the cheeks.
What is Zygomatic Arches?

An emt or other person authorized by a Medical Director to give medications and provide emergency care

What is Designated Agent

A federal law protecting the privacy of the patients specific health care information and providing the patient with control over how this information is used and distributed
What is HIPPA.

List in order the number of vertebrae in order of the spinal column.

What is cervical 7 thoracic 12 lumbar 5 sacral 5 coccyx 4


.5mg- 2mg IV, IM, IN

What is narcan