Legally obligates EMT to protect patient‘s privacy
What is HIPAA?
Created by pressure waves through arteries caused by cardiac contractions
What is pulse?
Best method to prevent spread of infectious disease
What is Hand washing?
Ability of patient to ask for transportation but not treatment
What is consent?
Type of question that allows for most detailed response
What is open ended?
Determined that prompt surgical care in the hospital is more important than performing time-consuming procedures in the field on a major trauma patient
What is EMS Research?
First action taken with a bleeding patient
What is stop the bleeding?
An example is when the EMT becomes distracted at the scene of a motor vehicle. Crash involving the same type of a car in which a child was previously killed
What is PTSD?
Action taken with injured child with no parents present
What is treat and transport?
How EMT should conduct radio transmissions?
What is brief and easily understood?
Helps limit EMT errors in the field
What is are written protocols?
Used to open the airway of a patient with trauma
What is jaw-thrust maneuver?
Action taken when power lines are lying across vehicle involved in MVC
What is mark off the danger zone?
Allowed only when the patient is a threat to self or others
What is forcible restraint?
Allows for transmission of audio and other electronic transmissions
What is a multiplex system?
Allows for EMTs to administer medication
What is medical director approval?
Defined as most serious thing the patient is concerned about
What is the chief complaint?
Transmission of disease by animals or insects
What is a vector borne?
Action taken by the EMT when a DNR is in place per the caregiver but can’t be produced
What is treat?
Best protection for the EMT when completing the. PCR
What is document fully and accurately?
provides a national standard for EMS testing
What is NREMT?
Helps the EMT predict the severity of the patient’s injuries
What is the MOI?
Action taken by the EMT when TB is suspected with the patient
What is mask patient and HEPA filter mask self?
Requirements for negligence?
What are duty to act, breach of duty, injury/damages, and causation?
When the patient refuses transport after being fully briefed by the EMT on the consequences
What is an informed refusal?