Intro to EMS
Well-being of the EMT
Lifting and Moving
Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues
Medical Terms

Who is responsible for on-scene safety of EMS providers?

All crew members


What is the primary reason for an EMT to change gloves between contacts with different patients?

To prevent spreading infection to the next patient


What is the likely impact of power stretchers on EMS?

a decrease in the number of injuries among EMTs


In what situations should an EMT withhold resuscitative measures from a patient in cardiac arrest?

The patient's caregiver presents a DNR order signed by the patient and his physician.


Standing, facing forward, with arms at the side, palms forward

Anatomic position?


What is the minimum level of certification required of ambulance personnel responsible for direct patient care?

Emergency Medical Technician


While transporting a patient to the hospital who has a history of terminal brain cancer, the patient says, "I know I'm going to die, but first I want to see my grandson graduate from high school." What stage of death and dying describes this patient's current condition?



Emergent moves are used for which situations.

When potential exists for danger to the patient


Which type of consent must be used by the EMT when seeking to treat a mentally competent adult?

Expressed consent or Informed consent


Which layer of the skin is exposed to the environment?



Who assumes the ultimate responsibility for patient care rendered by the EMT?

Medical Director


Part of the nervous system is responsible for the fight-or-flight response experienced in response to a stressor?

Sympathetic nervous system


You have responded to a nursing home and find an elderly patient in his bed in cardiac arrest. Which type of move would you perform to get the patient to a hard surface so you can perform chest compressions?

Urgent Move


The EMT's primary responsibility at a secured crime scene?

Providing patient care


An imaginary line dividing the body into equal right and left halves

The midline of the body or mid-sagittal


The application of oxygen for a patient who is short of breath without having to contact the physician in the emergency department because of existing protocols is an example of

Standing orders


What are some signs and symptoms that a coworker may be experiencing a delayed stress reaction (PTSD)?

Flashbacks, nightmares, and feelings of detachment


What is the preferred number of rescuers when using a stair chair?



While documenting a call, you add a false statement that was made about a local doctor. This could constitute


Making a written statement that could injure another person's reputation is known as libel.


Sitting upright with the legs straight at 90 degrees

Fowler position


In 1966 the National Highway Safety Act charged which of the following agencies with the development of emergency medical service standards?

U.S. Department of Transportation


What mode of transmission most accurately describes the route of spreading hepatitis A?



Stretchers that are designed to carry obese patients weighing up to 800 pounds (or more) are called:

bariatric stretchers.


You respond to a middle school for a 12-year-old male patient who has been hit by a car. You get consent to treat the patient from the school principal. Can the principal give consent? What is it called?


Care may be given to a minor without direct consent from a parent or guardian if authorized by a child care provider or school authority who is acting in loco parentis (in place of the parent).

In loco parentis


Your 79-year-old female patient appears to show all signs and symptoms of a stroke. Her level of consciousness has rapidly deteriorated, she is now unconscious, and she can no longer control her own airway. While you intervene to manage her airway, the best position in which to keep fluid or vomitus from occluding her airway would be the:

recovery position.