Signs of Obvious death
- Lividity or Rigor mortis
- Decomposition
- Drowning >1 hr (except hypothermia)
- Obvious mortal injury (i.e. decapitation)
- Valid Virginia DNR
CPAP settings for CHF and COPD
CHF: 10cmH2O
COPD: 5cmH2O
Aspirin and Nitro dosage
Aspiring: 4x81 = 324mg
Nitro 3x0.4 = 1.2 mg
Benadryl and Solu-Medrol dose and route for Allergic Reaction
Benadryl: 1mg/kg up to 50mg IM or IV
Solu-Medrol: 2mg/kg up to 125mg IM or IV
How much O2 for Passive oxygenation and route?
15 lpm NC O2
When to apply C-collar?
- High-risk mechanism of injury
- Head, neck or back pain secondary to trauma
- AMS secondary to trauma (including intoxicated & Language barrier)
- Distracting injuries or Multi-system trauma
- New deficits in strength or sensation
- Age ≤ 5 or ≥ 65
Mild vs Moderate vs Severe Allergic reaction
Mild: Itching, Hives, Localized Swelling
Moderate: Swelling of face, lips, tongue
Difficulty breathing, Wheezing or stridor, Tachycardia
Severe: AMS, Hypotension (adult SBP <90 mmHG)
Tylenol Dosage
325 x 3 = 975 Mg
Epi dose and concentration for Allergic reaction
& Asthma
Allergic Reaction: Epi (1:1000): 0.01mg/kg up to 0.5mg IM
Asthma: Epi (1:1000): 0.01mg/kg up to 0.5mg IM
Proper Compression rate
100-120 per minute
Trauma centers
Trauma 1: Fairfax hospital & GWU hospital & Washington Hospital center
Trauma 2: Reston Hospital & Winchester Hospital
Trauma 3: Inova Loudoun Hospital
Hypertensive Emergency Limits and Meds to give (AEMT)
SBP ≥ 220
DBP ≥ 120
-Nitro 0.4mg SL
Narcan Dose & route
4mg IN
Fentanyl dose for pain vs Burns
Pain: 1mcg/kg up to 100mcg
Burns: 2mcg/kg up to 200mcg
Epi Dose in Cardiac arrest
0.01mg/kg up to 1mg FAST IV
Pneumonic SAFER approach
- Stabilize (Lower the stimuli)
- Assess (acknowledge the crisis)
- Facilitate (activation of resources)
- Encourage (pt to take action in his/her best interest)
- Recovery (transport pt to appropriate facilities or leave pt in care of responsible person or professionals)
Contraindications for CPAP
-respiratory/ cardiac arrest
- Systolic BP <90mmHG
- Severe AMS
- Major trauma
- Vomiting
- Inability to maintain airway patency
- Pneumothorax
- Gastric distention
O2 dosages and 3 different O2 devices
NC: 1-6lpm
NRB: 10-15lpm
BVM: 15-25LPM
Midazolam dose and concentrations for Seizure
-0.2mg/kg up to 5mg IN or IM (10mg/2ml)
-0.1mg/kg up to 2.5mg SLOW IV (5mg/5ml)
When consider TOR
≥25 minutes of continues CPR without any shocks or ROSC
Target pediatric assisted ventilatory rate
30 for neonates
20 for Toddlers
15 for school age
10 for Adolescents
How many IV and EJ attempts allowed on standing orders
IV: 2 attempts by 1 provider or Max 3 attempts by a group of providers
EJ: 2 attempts (8yrs or older) ONLY ONE site
Oral glucose dose and route
1 tube (15g)- PO
Glucagon Dose and route
0.025mg/kg up to 1mg IM
What to do after ROSC
- full set of vitals
- 12 lead EKG
- SPO2 ≥ 94% and ETCO2 35-45
- NaCl and Dopamine to maintain SBP