What position is a patient in when lying face up on his back ?
what is Supine
What 4 functions does the skeletal system serve?
Gives shape, Protects vital organs, Allows movement, Stores minerals and produce blood cells
This is the mechanical process by which air is moved in and out of the lungs.
what is ventilation
What is the principal support system of the body?
what is the spinal column
The circulatory system is composed of the ?
Heart, Blood Vessels, Blood
Heart, Blood Vessels, Blood
This is the study of the function of the living body and its parts.
What is physiology
Name the 3 types of muscle within the human body.
what is Skeletal, cardiac, and smooth
This is a form of respiration in which oxygen molecules move across a membrane from an area of higher O2 concentration to an area of low O2 concentration.
what is ventilation
Name the 5 parts that compose the spinal column.
Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacral, Coccyx
Name the chambers of the heart.
Right, Left Atria, Right, Left ventricles
This position is commonly referred to as the recovery position?
This connective tissue connects bone to bone
what is ligaments
The lower airway is composed of what 4 structures ?
Trachea, Bronchi, Bronchioles, Alveoli
Name the inferior portion of the sternum.
what is the xiphoid process
What is the major artery of the heart ?
Name the position where a patient is lying on his back with the upper body elevated at an angle less than 45 degrees.
what is semi fowlers
what are the 5 basic functions of the respiratory system?
what is Respiration, Ventilation, Oxygenation, removal of carbon dioxide, a buffer to maintain normal acid-base balance.
This refers to the process of moving oxygen and carbon dioxide across membranes, in and out of the alveoli, capillaries and cells.
what is respiration
The name of the 2 bones of the lower legs are
Tibia and fibula
What 4 things is blood composed of ?
Red blood cells, White blood cells, Platelets, and Plasma
Stand up and show me what is considered the correct anatomical position of a human?
what is Standing erect, facing forward, arms at sides, palms forward.
Name the organs in the RLQ
what is Colon, Small Intestine, Appendix, (female: right ovary and fallopian tube)
Name the 5 components that make up the upper airway.
Nose, Mouth, Pharynx, Nasopharynx, Larynx.
The place where 1 bone connects to another is called a?
What do cells require to function effectively and survive ?