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You respond to a 71-year-old woman who is unresponsive. You try to get her to respond but have no success. Her airway is open, and she is breathing at a rate of 14 breaths/min. What structure on her neck should you locate to take a pulse?

Carotid Arteries


You have been called to a park where a local church is holding a potluck dinner. As you exit your ambulance, a woman approaches you holding her 7-year-old son who is wheezing and having difficulty breathing. She informs you that he inadvertently ate a brownie with nuts, and he is allergic to nuts. The child's mother has an EpiPen that contains the appropriate dose of epinephrine for a child. What dose would that be?

0.15 mg


The _____ and _____ mater are the inner two layers of the meninges and are much thinner than the dura mater.

arachnoid; pia


You are hired at the local EMS service. Your duties include station cleanup and checking the unit for mechanical problems. You should also check all medical equipment and supplies:

Every day


There are ________ cervical vertebrae.



You respond to a construction site and find a worker lying supine in the dirt. He has been hit by a heavy construction vehicle and flew more than 15 feet (4.6 m) before landing in his current position. There is discoloration and distention of his abdomen about the right upper quadrant. He is unconscious and his respirations are 10 breaths/min and shallow, with noisy gurgling sounds. What method will you use to keep his airway open?



You have been called to the scene of a high-speed motor vehicle collision involving two compact cars. The first vehicle was a roll-over, ejecting the driver. The second vehicle contained both a driver and a front-seat passenger who cannot be reached because the door is up against a building. For the passenger in the second vehicle, you may need to perform a(n) _____ on the driver in order to reach the patient.

Emergency Move


Determine the Apgar score in the following scenario: You arrive at the scene of a home delivery. Upon entering the scene, the father appears upset and hands you a limp baby. The child has a weak cry, is completely cyanotic, and has a pulse of 70 beats/min. Respirations are slow.



Skin that is cool, clammy, and pale in your primary assessment typically indicates _____.



to minimize distractions and confusion when assessing an older patient, you should:

have only one EMT speak to the patient at a time.


__________ may reverse stroke symptoms and even stop the stroke if given within 3 to 6 hours of onset of symptoms.

Thrombolytic therapy


After stocking the ambulance this morning, you and your partner go out for breakfast. While entering the restaurant, you see an older gentleman clutch his chest and collapse to the floor. When you get to him, he has no pulse and is not breathing. To treat this patient, you will follow:



Determine the Apgar score in the following scenario: Conscious, Confused 45 YOM PT walking around at a traffic accident



When assisting with ALS procedures, it is important to use the _______ technique.



Children are often “belly breathers” because _______.

their intercostal muscles are not developed


The incubation period for hepatitis B is typically:

4 to 12 weeks.


You respond to a house fire with the local fire department. They bring a 48-year-old woman out of the house. She is unconscious but her airway is open. Her breathing is shallow at 30 breaths/min. Her pulse is 110 beats/min, strong and regular. Her blood pressure is 108/72 mm Hg. She has been burned over 40% of her body. The burned area appears to be dry and leathery. It looks charred and has pieces of fabric embedded in the flesh. You know that this type of burn is considered a:

third-degree burn.


An open pneumothorax occurs when:

air enters the pleural space from outside the body.


You come upon an unresponsive patient who is not injured and is breathing on her own with a normal rate and an adequate tidal volume. What would be the advantage of placing her in the recovery position?

It helps to maintain a clear airway.


You respond to a single-vehicle crash on the highway west of town. Upon arrival you find a 33-year-old man with an open forearm fracture who has self-extricated from his pickup, which is down the roadside embankment. He does not appear to have suffered any other injuries, is fully coherent, and refuses all medical care. In an effort to obtain consent to treat this patient, you should:

clearly explain the consequences of not accepting medical treatment.


You are caring for a very sick patient who is complaining of chest pain. You have him on your cardiac monitor which is showing AF. Suddenly, the patient goes into VF, so you attach your AED and shock him. What do the abbreviations AF, VF and AED stand for?

atrial fibrillation, ventricular fibrillation, automated external defibrillator


You have responded to a scene at which a 45-year-old man has run his SUV into a utility pole. On arrival, the driver was found slumped over the steering wheel, unconscious. A large electrical wire was lying across the hood of the vehicle. After securing scene safety, you were able to approach the patient and complete a primary assessment, in which you found a 6” (15.4-cm) laceration across his forehead. The patient regained responsiveness, was alert and oriented, and refused care. If the patient refuses to sign the refusal form:

have a credible witness sign the form testifying that he or she witnessed the patient's refusal of care.


At 0500 hours, you respond to the home of a 76-year-old man complaining of chest pain. Upon arrival, the patient states that he had been sleeping in the recliner all night due to indigestion, when the pain woke him up. He also tells you he has taken two nitroglycerin tablets. His vital signs are as follows: respirations, 16 breaths/min; pulse, 98 beats/min; blood pressure, 92/76 mm Hg. He is still complaining of chest pain. What actions should you take to intervene?

Provide high-flow oxygen.


Dean, a man in his 50s, is acting irrationally. His wife states that he thinks he is the dictator of a small country, and he is wearing nothing but a baseball cap and a belt with a small handgun attached to it. What is your best course of action?

Call the police for backup


You respond to a 38-year-old man who fell while rock climbing. He is unconscious with an open airway. The respiration and pulse rates are within normal limits. His distal pulses are intact. You check his pupils and find that they are unequal. You know this could be a sign of:

Increased ICP