Physical Changes
Physical Changes
Physical Changes

6-8 lbs

What is the weight of a neonate at birth?


Pressure induced trauma

What is barotrauma?

Forceful ventilations and overinflation increase pressure in the lungs and can cause this. Infant's lungs are fragile, so be aware of this.


A person age 19-40 years

What is an early adult?


Reasoning where behavior is more motivated by the approval of peers and society.

What is conventional reasoning?


Peaks between 10-18 months of age

What is separation anxiety?


A neonate loses between 5-10% of it's weight during this time period due to fluid loss.

What occurs during the first week after birth?


When a neonate instinctively closes his/her hand around an object placed in their palm.

What is the Palmar Grasp Reflex?


The development of antibodies that results from exposure to viruses. 

What is Acquired Immunity?

Passive immunity is lost during the 1-3 year age range.


Pertaining/relating to blood vessels

What does "vascular" mean when you break down the word?

Used ChatGPT and the internet for figuring this one out. Tables in the book weren't sufficient.


They depend largely on patient's underlying health and are often affected by medications taken. 

What are vital signs of older adults dependent on?

(2. You are the provider.)


When something touches the neonate's cheek and he/she intuitively turns his or her head in the direction of the touch.

What is Rooting Reflex?

Possibility of head and spinal trauma is greater due to large head weight.

What is a nenoate and infant?


Vital signs begin to level off at this age range, with a systolic blood pressure generally between 90-110 mm Hg, a pulse rate between 60-100 beats per minute, and respirations that range from 12-20 breaths per minute.

What is the adolescent age range?


Filters blood within the kidney.

What are Nephrons?

Kidney filtration capabilities decline by as much as 50% due, in part, to a decrease in blood supply to the kidneys. Also, the number of nephrons declines between the ages of 30-80 years. This results in the renal system losing some of its ability to remove waste from the body as it declines, as does its ability to conserve fluids when needed.


Antibodies delivered through placental blood flow and further strengthened by antibodies contained in breast milk provide this.

How is passive immunity obtained by a neonate?


When neonates are startled, they open their arms wide, spread their fingers, and appear to be grabbing for something.

What is Moro Reflex (also called "startle reflex")?


Decrease in heart rate, decline in cardiac output, and diminished ability of the heart to increase cardiac output to meet the bodies demands.

These changes translate into a heart that is less able to cope with exercise or disease. 

What are cardiovascular effects of aging?


The stage of psychosocial development beginning at birth and concluding at approximately 18 months of age.

What is the Trust vs Mistrust stage?


Make sure the nasal passages are clear of mucus and other obstructions.

What should you do when responding to a call for a baby choking?


The gaps between bones that are connected by relatively flexible fibrous tissue in a new born's head that allows the head shape to change slightly as it passes through the birth canal.

What is fontanelles?

They begin to shrink during the months that follow as the cranial bones grow together and fuse, forming a unified, rigid structure.


A condition characterized by the buildup of cholesterol and calcium along the inner walls of blood vessels, resulting in the formation of plaque.

As plaque accumulates, the flow of blood through the affected vessels becomes restricted or blocked entirely. More than 60% of people older than 65 years have atherosclerotic disease.

What is atherosclerosis?

ather/o | scler/o | sis

Fat | Hard | Action, Condition, or Process


Leads to diabetes, decreased gastrointestinal function, decreased taste bud sensation, decreased kidney size, and filtration, nervous system changes, and sensory and motor nerve deterioration, and vision and hearing loss, among others.

What can a decrease in metabolism and insulin production lead to?


The volume of air moved during the deepest inspiration and expiration.

What is vital capacity?

By the time an older adult is 75 years old, vital capacity has declined to about 50% of  that of a young adult.