Energy & Trauma
MOI - 1
MOI - 2
MOI - 3
Blast Injuries

Your awareness and concern for potentially serious underlying and unseen injuries.

What is index of suspicion?


This results in injury by objects that pierce and penetrate the surface of the body and injure the underlying soft tissues, internal organs, and body cavities.

What is penetrating trauma?


Rear-End crashes typically cause these types of injuries.

What are whiplash-type injuries?


The path a projectile takes in the body is known as this.

What is it's trajectory?


These injuries occur when the patient is hurled by the force of the explosion against a stationary object.

What are tertiary blast injuries?


The energy of a moving object.

What is kinetic energy?


Injury to more than one body system is considered this.

What is multisystem trauma?


The greater the ______ of the fall, the greater the potential for injury.

What is the height?


Any object propelled by force, such as a bullet by a weapon.

What is a projectile?


These injuries are due entirely to the blast itself.

What are primary blast injuries?


These occur as a result of physical forces applied to the body.

What are traumatic emergencies?


When the brain continues its forward motion and strikes the inside of the skull resulting in a compression injury to the anterior portion of the brain and a tension injury of the posterior portion.

What is a coup-contrecoup brain injury?


Lateral or side impacts are also known as this type of crash.

What is a T-bone crash?


Military weapons typically cause ______ velocity injuries.

What is high?


This type of injury is a lung trauma that results from short-range exposure to the detonation of explosives.

What is a pulmonary blast injury?


The way in which traumatic injuries occur; it describes the forces acting on the body that cause injury.

What is mechanism of injury (MOI)


This is the result of force to the body that causes injury without anything penetrating the soft tissues or internal organs and cavities. 

What s blunt trauma?


Because of their higher center of gravity, large trucks and sport utility vehicles are more susceptible to these types of crashes.

What are rollover crashes?


Handguns and some rifles typically cause _______ velocity injuries.

What is medium?


Damage to the body resulting from being struck by flying debris such as shrapnel from the device is caused by this type of blast injury.

What is secondary blast injury?


Force acting over a distance.

What is work?


These are the three collisions a car crash consists of.

1. the car against another car or object

2. the passenger against the interior of the car

3. the passenger's internal organs against the solid structures of their body.


A technique used to separate the rider from the body of the motorcycle and the object to be hit is referred to as laying the bike down, is considered this type of crash.

What is a controlled crash?


Most civilian gunshot wound injuries in the United States are the result of _____ velocity weapons.

What is low?


Example of this type of blast injury include burns from hot gases or fires started by the blast.

What are quaternary blast injuries?