Chapter 5
Medical Terminology
Chapter 6
The Human Body
Chapter 7
Life Span Development
Chapter 8
Lifting & Moving Patients
Chapter 10
Patient Assessment

A young male jumped from a tree and landed feet first. Which aspect of his body has sustained the initial injury?

Ventral, Dorsal, Plantar, Palmar 



All critical life functions are coordinated in which part of the brain? 

Cerebrum, Gray matter, Cerebellum, Brainstem



An infant or small child’s airway can be occluded if it is overextended or over flexed because:

The back of the head is flat, which prevents a neutral position; he or she has a long neck, which makes the trachea prone to collapse; the occiput is proportionately large, and the trachea is flexible; the tongue is proportionately small and can fall back into the throat. 

The occiput is proportionately large and the trachea is flexible.


The extremity lift would not be appropriate to use on a patient:

 Without a spinal injury, with a deformed humerus, who complains of nausea, with forearm lacerations.

With a deformed humerus.


A 29-year-old male with a head injury opens his eyes when you speak to him, is confused as to the time and date, and is able to move all of his extremities on command. His Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score is: 

10, 12, 13, or 14



A patient in a semi-reclined position with the head elevated to facilitate breathing is in the ___________ position.

Supine, Prone, Fowler, Recovery



The axial skeleton is composed of the:

Arms, legs, and pelvis,  Lower part of the torso and the legs, Skull, face, thorax, and vertebral column, or Bones that constitute the pelvic girdle. 

Skull, face, thorax, and vertebral column 


The average pulse rate of persons between 19 and 40 years of age is typically: 

60 beats/min., 70 beats/min., 80 beats/min., 90 beats/min.

70 beats/min.


To minimize the risk of injuring yourself when lifting or moving a patient, you should:

Use a direct carry whenever possible.

Keep the weight as close to your body as possible.

Avoid the use of log rolls or body drags.

 Flex at the waist instead of the hips.

Keep the weight as close to your body as possible.


After performing a primary assessment, a rapid exam of the body should be performed to: 

Determine the need for spinal motion restriction precautions.

 Identify less obvious injuries that require immediate treatment.

 Look specifically for signs and symptoms of inadequate perfusion.

 Find and treat injuries or conditions that do not pose a threat to life.

Identify less obvious injuries that require immediate treatment.


An intoxicated 40-year-old male is found lying face down. How would you document his body’s position? 

Supine, Prone, Fowler, Recumbent



The exchange of oxygen and nutrients for waste products of metabolism occurs at the cellular level in the: 

Venules, arteries, arterioles, capillaries



The pulse rate of a child from ages 6 to 12 years is approximately: 

60 to 100 beats/min., 70 to 120 beats/min., 90 to 140 beats/min., 100 to 150 beats/min.

70 to 120 beats/min.


The _________ is both the mechanical weight-bearing base of the spinal column and the fused central posterior section of the pelvic girdle. 

Illium, Ischium, Coccyx, Sacrum



Which of the following medical history questions would be of LEAST pertinence in an acute situation? 

“Does the pain stay in your chest?” 

“Does your mother have diabetes?” 

“Has this ever happened to you before?” 

“Are there medications that you cannot take?”

“Does your mother have diabetes?”


After applying a tourniquet, the injury from a patient’s leg stops bleeding. This is called: 

Hemiplegia, Hemostasis, Hemolysis, Hematemesis



The electrical impulse of the heart normally begins at the: 

Sinoatrial node (SA), Bundle of HIS, Purkinje fibers, or atrioventricular node (AV)

Sinoatrial node


Which of the following statements regarding middle adults is correct?

Increased cholesterol levels in the middle adult age group often do not respond to exercise and diet. 

Significant impairments in hearing and vision begin to occur in persons between the ages of 41 and 44 years. 

Women in the middle adult age group typically experience menopause in their late 50s or early 60s.

Cardiovascular health becomes an issue in this age group, as does the greater incidence of cancer.  

Cardiovascular health becomes an issue in this age group, as does the greater incidence of cancer.


Which of the following situations would require an urgent patient move? 

Conscious patient with abrasions and a possibly fractured humerus.

Imminent risk of a fire or explosion in or near the patient’s vehicle.

Semiconscious patient with shallow respirations and signs of shock.

Stable patient who is blocking access to a critically injured patient.

Semiconscious patient with shallow respirations and signs of shock.


What is the SAMPLE mnemonic Assessment?

Signs & Sx



Pertinent past Hx

Last oral intake

Events leading up to event


Enlargement of the liver is called: 

nephritis, hepatomegaly, hydrocephalus, pneumonitis



The most distal four spinal vertebrae, which are fused together, form the:

Ilium, Coccyx, Ischium, Sacrum.  



You are assessing a 13-month-old female who is running a fever and has been vomiting. While you are performing your physical examination on this child, you will most likely find that she: 

Is unable to track your movements with her eyes, Responds to her name but is fearful of your presence, Will readily allow you to separate her from her mother, Has bulging fontanelles secondary to severe dehydration. 

Responds to her name but is fearful of your presence


You should not attempt to lift a patient who weighs more than 250 pounds with fewer than _______ rescuers, regardless of individual strength. 

3, 4, 5, or 6.



What is the DCAP BTLS mnemonic Rapid Trauma Assessment?







