Results from loss of collagen/elastin.
What are skin tears/skin infections
Stove is on but no food is cooking and/or poor patient hygiene may indicate...
What is inability to care for self.
The only situation in which providers can withhold resuscitative efforts.
What is a present and properly documented DNR or Advanced Directive.
May present without traditional pain but with dyspnea, epigastric or abdominal pain, loss of bladder and bowel control, nausea, vomiting, or dizziness.
What is myocardial infarction.
Terms that should NOT be used when addressing an elderly patient.
What are "Granny", "Honey", "Peaches", "Sweetie", "Dear".
List the assessments associated with each letter of the GEMS acronym.
What are Geriatric patient
Environmental assessment
Medical assessment
Social assessment
The AD in which you may perform supportive measures but not cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
What is a DNR
Can result from prolonged use of diuretics.
What is dehydration
What is electrolyte imbalance
Empty alcohol and pill bottles may indicate...
What is drug and alcohol abuse.
Should be removed if present while evaluating the airway.
What are loosely fitting dentures.
May be the result of a blockage or a hemorrhage.
What is a stroke.
Terms that SHOULD be used when addressing elderly patients.
What are "Ma'am", Miss", "Mrs", "Sir", "Mr."
"Does the patient have access to a telephone"
What is environmental assessment.
An AD in which a third party can make medical decisions for a patient.
What is a health care power of attorney
Can result in falls and accidents.
What is hearing loss, reduced eyesight, or slowed reflexes.
A weekly pill dispenser with skipped days or an unorganized box of medications may increase risk of...
What is accidental overdose.
Should be considered when placing a geriatric patient in C-spine precautions.
What is limited cervical spine mobility.
What are spinal curvatures as a result of aging.
May present with either pulmonary or pedal edema, difficulty breathing, and an enlarged liver.
What is congestive heart failure.
A possible communication barrier when treating an elderly patient.
What is hearing loss.
This should be obtained, especially for older patients, no matter what the primary complaint is.
What is medical history.
While on scene in order to withhold CPR, these must be in place for DNR validity.
What are signatures of the patient/legal surrogate, signatures of one or more physician, and a physical copy of the DNR.
Can result from decreased sweating and skin changes.
What is inability to develop a fever when sick.
Excessive friction between patient and caregiver, bruises on the patient, and poor hygiene despite a caregiver may indicate...
What is elder abuse
Should be considered when performing chest compressions.
What is proper hand placement to avoid unnecessary fracture of frail ribs.
One of the most common causes of death in Americans older than 65 and can present with inflammation and life-threatening hypoxia.
What is pneumonia.
An assumption that some make about ALL elderly patients.
What is they are all hard of hearing.
List the four Activities of Daily Living (ADL's)
What are eating, dressing, bathing, toileting
List several supportive measures that may be performed if a valid DNR is present.
What are basic airway, oxygen, pain relief, or circulatory support.
Can result from loss of arterial elasticity or a lifetime of atherosclerosis.
What is congestive heart failure.
What are acute coronary syndromes.
What are heart dysrhythmias.
Term used to describe multiple medications without evidence of adequate knowledge for proper use or supervision of use.
What is polypharmy.
Disease common in the elderly that could lead to altered mental status and/or cardiac arrest.
What is diabetes.
The result of gradual weakening of vessel walls that can result in sudden death.
What is an aneurysm.
The best body position and conversational tone to use when treating an elderly patient.
What is eye level, speaking calmly and directly to the patient.
The three significant considerations under "G" of the GEMS diamond.
What are present atypically
What is deserve respect
What is experience normal changes with age
The best course of action if you are in doubt or no written orders are present.
What is resuscitate the patient.