What is the first step in treating a patient with a suspected spinal injury
Maintain manual cervical spine stabilization.
What does OPQRST stand for?
Onset, Provocation, Quality, Radiation, Severity, Time
What is the normal respiratory rate for an adult?
12-20 breaths per minute
What does the acronym SAMPLE stand for?
Signs & Symptoms, Allergies, Medications, Past Medical History, Last Oral Intake, Events Leading to Illness/Injury.
What common over-the-counter drug is given to patients with chest pain due to suspected cardiac issues?
Aspirin (ASA)
What is the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score for a patient who opens their eyes to verbal commands, has confused speech, and withdraws to pain?
12 (Eyes: 3, Verbal: 4, Motor: 5)
What are the three classic symptoms of a stroke?
Facial droop, arm drift, slurred speech.
What airway maneuver is used for an unconscious patient with a suspected spinal injury?
Jaw-thrust maneuver
What is the "golden hour" in trauma care?
The first hour after a traumatic injury, during which treatment is most critical.
What does the term "dependent lividity" mean?
Pooling of blood in the lowest parts of the body after death.
What type of shock is caused by severe burns?
Hypovolemic shock
What is the normal blood glucose range for an adult?
70-140 mg/dL
What does ETCO2 measure, and what is the normal range?
End-tidal CO2; normal range is 35-45 mmHg.
What is the national emergency response number used to activate EMS in the U.S.?
What is the term for the sensation of an irregular heartbeat or fluttering in the chest?
What is the difference between a subdural and an epidural hematoma?
A subdural hematoma is a slow venous bleed, while an epidural hematoma is a rapid arterial bleed.
Which type of seizure is characterized by a brief lapse in awareness with no convulsions?
Absence (petit mal) seizure
Name two contraindications for using a nasopharyngeal airway (NPA)
Suspected basilar skull fracture and severe facial trauma
What is the START triage system, and what do the colors mean?
Simple Triage And Rapid Treatment; Green (Minor), Yellow (Delayed), Red (Immediate), Black (Deceased).
What rare but serious condition can develop after crush injuries and requires immediate treatment?
Crush syndrome (compartment syndrome)
What is the name of the phenomenon where multiple rib fractures create a segment that moves independently from the rest of the chest wall?
Flail chest.
What condition presents with a "tearing" chest pain radiating to the back and is considered a life-threatening emergency?
Aortic dissection
What lung sounds are associated with anaphylaxis?
Wheezing and stridor.
What is the minimum recommended frequency for ambulance disinfecting per CDC guidelines?
After every patient transport or exposure to bodily fluids
Why shouldn’t you check a carotid pulse on both sides at the same time?
It can stimulate the vagus nerve, causing bradycardia or even fainting. 🚑💥