Shake or Bake
I'm just de-fine
Oh poo
The good drugs

This class of medications (eg. Diastat) is commonly prescribed to treat seizures.  An EMR may assist with a medication in this class.

What are benzodiazepines. (Assist with Diastat)

The definition of status epileptics is this:

 What is a seizure that lasts longer than 5 minutes or multiple consecutive seizures lasting more than 5 minutes without a lucid interval


SLUDGEM: Salivation, lacrimation, urination, defecation, gastroenteritis, and emesis refer to an assessment of patients suspected of this type emergency

overdose or poisoning


This is the mechanism of action of ASA

Prevents fibrin coagulation


A unconscious unresponsive adult patient has no pulse.  You will will provide compressions at this rate and depth.

100-120 compressions per minute at 2-2.4"


All patients who have had a seizure should have this checked due to this endocrine - related condition

What is Blood glucose and diabetes


This is the difference between a simple and a tension pneumothorax

Tension pneumothorax is characterized by increasing pressure in the chest cavity. The patient may present with distended neck veins, tracheal deviation, and hemodynamic instability.  A simple pneumothorax does not. 


Hypotension results from this condition in a patient with severe diarrhea or emesis

What is dehydration


This is the dose of Narcan for suspected opiate overdose

1mg in each nostril OR (1) dose of a 4mg pre-loaded spray


An EMT may determine a patient is obviously dead undertake following conditions.

Lividity, Rigor Mortis, Injuries incompatible with life eg. decapitation, 


The period post seizure is termed this



This acronym is used for patients with a chronic lung disease in which there is chronic inflammation and mucous production.  Patients may present with a barrel chest.

What is COPD

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder


Hematochesia refers to this

Blood in the stool


This class of drugs causes mydriasis (pupil dilation) 

Opiates and Opioids


These are the 5 five rights you must check before pushing a medication

Time, patient, dose, medication, right route

This condition may result from muscle contractions due to ecstasy use or from an environmental condition.  

What is hyperthermia


This abdominal organ is responsible for management of home-stasis pertaining to water in the body.  It is located in this cavity.




Peristalsis refers to this

Wavelike motion of the intestines which propel food


Nitroglycerine may only be given when the systolic BP is above this value.



This is the route of administration for epinephrine at the EMR level

Intra muscular


An unconscious 68 year old male patient has been found in a snowbank with a shovel next to his side.  The patient is breathing, has minimal chest rise, a weak thready carotid pulse at a rate of 34.  After providing oxygen by non-rebreather, removing the patient's wet clothes and rewarming your patient in the ambulance the patient remains responsive to painful stimuli.  BP is 74/40, HR 40, RR 24, SpO2 is 88% on on O2.  The provider should suspect the patient has these two, (1) medical (1), environmental conditions.

Myocardial infarction



This acronym and definition refer to provision of continuous pressure to assist a spontaneously breathing patient.  


Continuous Positive Airway Pressure


You are presented to a patient with a BP of 60/50, HR 110, RR 26 in a skilled nursing facility. The patient has altered mental status and takes a regular blood-thinner. The staff states the patient's INR is low. The patient is likely suffering from this condition.

What is a GI bleed.

You are presented with a 22 year old patient unresponsive breathing year old patient with a suspected overdose. Your partner has opened the airway with a jaw thrust, and inserted an OPA.  There are no secretions in the airway. This is your next immediate action including the rate.

Ventilate the patient at 1 breath every 5-6 seconds


These are the routes of medication administration

IV, IM, SQ, PR, PO, Trans-dermal, SL