Sally looked at Harry and said, "What do you do for a living, Harry?"
a) for fun
b) for work
c) for interest
for work
Suomessa puhutaan monia kieliä.
Many languages are spoken in Finland.
a giraffe
What makes up the United Kingdom?
Wales, England, Scotland and Northern Ireland
maalaisjärki/terve järki
common sense
After being a science teacher for forty years, I've decided to hang up my hat.
a) end my career
b) change careers
c) go for a promotion
end my career
Autoni on varastettu!
My car has been stolen!
Name this animal:
an otter
Which of the following is considered poor etiquette in the UK?
Arriving at someone's house to say 'hello' uninvited
The British tend to value their privacy and so appearing on someone’s doorstep unexpectedly can be taken as an invasion of this privacy. It is always better to let somebody know you’re visiting them before knocking on their door!
sense of humour
Grandpa worked his fingers to the bone to support his family.
a) damaged his fingers
b) worked with his hands
c) worked extremely hard
worked extremely hard
Huomasin, että ikkuna oli jätetty auki.
I noticed that a window had been left open.
Which animal did the ancient Egyptians worship at gods?
a cat
What is the most spoken language after English in the USA?
an increase in salary
Joanne told us she's between jobs just now.
a) doing two jobs
b) getting a job
c) unemployed
Isäni rakensi tämän talon.
This house was built by my father.
This is 1) a nemo
2) a clown fish
3) a sunfish
a clown fish
Complete this sentence: “As American as...
a Texas Barbecue”
the hamburger”
an apple Pie”
an apple Pie
sanallinen viestintä
verbal communication
I've had my nose to the grindstone every day this week.
a) been working very hard
b) been looking for work
c) taken time off work
been working very hard
Opettajan pitäsi aina vastata opiskelijoiden kysymyksiin.
The students' questions should always be answered by the teacher.
A large, four-toed, chiefly aquatic mammal. It has nearly hairless thick grayish skin, long lower canine teeth, and relatively short legs.
a hippo
How many kangaroos are there estimated to be in Australia?
One million
Five million
50 million
50 million
digitaalinen lukutaito
digital literacy