What are pronouns
Specific and General Pronouns
Subject and Object Pronouns
Possessive Pronouns
Pronoun Agreement

What part of speech do pronouns replace?



Jacob asked for an example, and he received it from Ms. Bonita. Is he general or specific?

He is a specific pronoun (in this sentence).


Subject pronouns tell us what about the sentence?

Who or what the sentence is about.


Possessive pronouns show what?



Pronouns must have a noun to _____ to for their usage to be clear.



Why do we use pronouns?

So we do not repeat nouns over and over again.


My cat died. What pronoun would be used to replace my cat?

It or he, or she if we know the gender of my poor, dead cat


Objects do what in a sentence?

The receive the action of the verb.


The subject pronoun "I" has what possessive forms? example - I have a book. It is ___ book. The book is ____.

my and mine.


I had four cats. I also have three sisters. All of them died last year.

 What is confusing about these sentences?

This is an example of an unclear reference. Which group is "them" referring to? 


Among the many students in her class who are studying medicine, only Bonnie wants to be a doctor.

Who does "who" refer to?

All the students, including Bonnie.


Somebody left her book at home. What type of pronoun is somebody?

A general pronoun.


Jacob and Maurice have increased their vocabulary in this class.

What subject pronoun can replace the two names?



You do not need to add an ________________ to make pronouns possessive.

(Hint - think of how to form contractions.)



Why is this at is text not good academic writing?
{NOTE: The grammar is not "wrong" but....}
When you have a dream, the things you dream of have meaning in your life when you are awake. You can look up the meaning of symbols when you go to a dream interpretation site. There you may learn what your dreams mean.

What is the extreme overuse of you. Please avoid the use of you in academic writing.


Harvey was so depressed after his breakup with Hester that he wanted to kill ______.

What  reflexsive pronoun goes here?

Hint: Harvey does NOT want to kill Hester.



Why would I use "their" even though I know that I am referring to a boy?

In some cultures, "their" is acceptable and sometimes preferable when, for example, the person's gender is not known, or there is a rule about it (such as where you work).


Give the book to Ashley and Zachary. What pronoun can replace the names?



What are the possessive forms of she? She has a book. It is ____ book. The book is _____.

her, hers


What is wrong with this sentence?

They went shopping and spent all of her money before buying what he needed, so the dog went hungry again.

There is an unclear reference and a shift in pronoun tense from plural "they" to singular "he" and "she". Also, who is the dog?


Ms. Bonita talked to them about their homework, their notebooks, their journals, and they are interested in a project using video.

What's wrong with the construction of this sentence

This sentence breaks the "parallel construction" rule in how it uses pronouns.


Someone sent cat treats to this address.

What are the two pronouns in that sentence?

(And can you name the types of pronouns?)

someone (general) and this (specific).


Tim let Alissa borrow his book; Johnny, Samuel, and Zachary were all impressed by his generosity.

Chose subject and object pronouns to replace the names in this sentence.  The pattern:
_____ let _____ borrow his book; _____ were all impressed by his generosity.

He let her borrow his book; they were all impressed by his generosity.


What is the possessive form of they? They have books. The books are _______ books. The books are ________.

their, theirs.


ms bonitas students know they is gonna be tested on there grammer so they be studying so all of thems be do good on that there test.

Rewrite the sentence to correct all the errors.

Ms. Bonita's students know they are going to be tested on their grammar, so they are studying in order to do well on that test.