Reading Check
Details & Key Ideas
Distinguish & Connect
Cause & Effect

This unit's theme...

What is:  Outsiders and Outcasts? 


Paragraph 2:  The significance of phrases like "earliest human groups", "small family tribes" and "30 to 50 individuals" 

Why meeting other people was an important event?


Paragraph 12:  The choice category in which apartheid would fall

What is wall?


Reasons for separating from the Other

What are different races, religions and cultures?


Paragraph 39:  The reason why Ryszard Kapuscinsk asks six questions

What is including the readers in the conclusion?


This unit's essential question...

What is "Do people need to belong?"?


Paragraph 10:  The three choices people make when they meet the other

What are war, wall or dialogue? 


Paragraph 13:  A doctrine that teaches that the non-Chinese are the devil's spawn, or at best a victim of fate who did not manage to be born Chinese.  The Other according to this belief, was presented as a dog, rat or creeping reptile. 

What is the doctrine of structural inequality?


Paragraph 13:  The continuing of the myth that only "we" are human such as non-Chinese are dogs, etc...

What is reinforcing structural inequality?


Paragraph 40:  The rhetorical appeal Ryszard Kapuscinski uses when he quotes Joseph Conrad in his call-to-action:  “speaks to our capacity for delight and wonder, to the sense of mystery surrounding our lives; to our sense of pity, and beauty, and pain; to the latent feeling of fellowship with all creation..."

How does Ryszard Kapuscinski strengthen his argument using ethos (credibility, trustworthiness, intelligence, authority)?


They way an early family tribe would discover that there were other people in the world...

What is encountering other people through wandering?


Paragraph 5:  Mankind's failure through all epochs and all countries

What is mankind's failure to understand the "Others". 


Paragraph 15:  The doctrine that Odysseus was accustomed to during his time

What is xenia or hospitality?


Paragraph 22:  The Other is usually defined through this, but in an Ethiopian mountain village, a crowd of children ran after Kapunscinski yelling, "Ferenchi! Ferenchi!" 

What is the white man's--the European's--point of view?


Paragraph 40:  The life message of the quote, “speaks to our capacity for delight and wonder, to the sense of mystery surrounding our lives; to our sense of pity, and beauty, and pain; to the latent feeling of fellowship with all creation..."

What is, regardless of our many diversities, we are all connected by the fact that we are all HUMAN.   


The idea that any stranger might have been sent by gods...

What is hospitality?


Paragraph 7:  The Great Wall of China, the towers and gates of Babylon, the Roman limes and the stone wall of the Inca

What are historical barriers humans have built?


Paragraphs 17 & 18:  Levinas, Bujber, Ebner, Marcel and Tischner

Who are philosophers who created the ideas of the Other?


Paragraphs 25 & 26:  It was to learn about his neighbor's customs and language, but he found that the whites living among the Others new nothing of this

What is Malinowski's goal for traveling to the Pacific islands, particularly the Trobriand Islands?


Paragraph 28:  The author likens our existence in comparison to the Others' existence with this metaphor. 

What is a mirror?


Paragraph 24:  The reason Europeans left their own continent to visit others such as Columbus' "visit" to America and white setters' "visits" to Africa, Asia and Australia...

What is for trade or conquest?


Paragraph 8:  The remains of marketplaces, ports, agoras, sanctuaries, old universities, the Silk Road, the Amber Route and the Trans-Saharan caravan route

What is proof of cooperation or dialogue? 


Paragraph 18:  The reason why the philosophers promoted the idea of the Others.

What are destructive totalitarian ideologies? 


Paragraph 33:  A Muslim girl dressed in tight clothing, but her head was covered so hermetically that her eyes weren't even visible. Also, the American-Mexican border and megalopolises like Sao Paolo, New York and Singapore

What are examples of hybridization and heterogeneity?


Paragraphs 3-4:  The rhetorical appeal the author uses most in paragraphs 3–4 

What is pathos?