Talking in Response to Literature
Writing in response to Literature
Fostering Response through Visual Sign Systems
Responding through Drama
Responding to Poetry
This is one factor to consider when organizing literature groups.
What is: The books that are chosen Group size Length and frequency of sessions Who leads the discussion Whether responses are free or guided.
This form of responding to literature allows students to choose how they respond.
What is free response?
Children respond spontaneously through art
What is Invitation to Respond through Art
Player's act out the story without a set, very little props, and usually no audience.
What is Creative Dramatics
Excellent for beginning reading instruction.
What is Songs and Poems in the Reading Circle
This is one of the four roles that a teacher may want to take in a literature circle. This allows the teacher to model thinking, wondering, and reflecting.
What is modeling response based discussion?
This form of response may be beneficial to students who are reluctant to free response.
What is prompted response journals.
Effective strategy for reluctant writers
What is Visual Response Journals
Participants mime a story as it is read aloud.
What is Story Theater
Children are invited to choose a poem to share with the class.
What is Poetry and Tell
This is one way to foster grand conversation. It may include observations, unanswered questions or wonderings, and anything they were reminded of by the story.
What is asking open ended questions?
This type of response allows students to assume the persona of one of the characters in the story and write journal entries as that character.
What is literary journal/response?
Strategy through which studendts sketch their story interpretations
What is Sketch-to-Stretch
Student's rely on their voices to convey the character's emotions.
What is Readers Theater
Can be effectively divided between two voices.
What is Poems in Dialogue
This is another teacher role that a teacher may take on during a literature circle. It may require students to set expectations for their group and sit in a circle so all students can see each other.
What is helping children learn new discussion roles?
This type of response allows the student and teacher (or another student) maintain a written dialogue about the story.
What is dialogue journal?
Helps students "step out" of the story and gain a different insight.
What is Exploring the Craft of Illustrators
The simplest form form of drama to use with young children.
What is Story Theater
Five-lined poemed tightly focused on one topic.
What is a Cinquain Poem
Teachers can introduce children to varied formats for responding that include paintings, drawings, collages, murals, wall hangings, and roller movies.
What is Visual Sign Systems
Can be challenging to students, because no one reads the story, the students must remember the story line.
What is Creative Dramatics
From Ghoulies And Ghosties And long-legged Beasties And things that go bump in the night: Good Lord, deliver us.
What is a List Poem