Is it safe to play with fire in the classroom?
What is "no."
The book we use in class to answer prompts and draw stuff about nature.
What is the Nature Journal (naturalist journal)?
The smallest level of ecological organization.
What is an individual?
Two different species of animals that are "good buddies," they help each other out.
What is a Symbiotic relationship?
The other class Mr. Speakman teaches.
What is Earth Science?
Should be worn at all times during a lab, covers your eyes.
What are safety glasses?
The fancy science name for the impact you have on the earth based on how many resources you consume.
What is ecological footprint?
The specific environment in which an organism lives
What is a habitat??????
A panda is an example of an endangered species while a Snakehead fish or a Burmese python is an example of....
invasive species
Location Mr. Speakman went to for his vacation during thanksgiving.
What is Disneyworld?
Sets up situations to make systematic observations regarding causes and effects
What is an experiment?
the process of breaking down organic materials into nutrient-rich compost that can be used to improve soil
What is composting?
When the population increases by
a fixed percentage
every year. (hint: think what happened during Covid...)
What is exponential growth?
Name for type of animal that is at the bottom of the food chain, often plants and autotrophs.
What is a producer?
The state that Mr. Speakman lives in.
What is West Virginia?
Science that is not considered valid science.
What is Junk Science?
a situation where individuals, acting in their own self-interest, overexploit a shared resource, like a pasture or fishery, leading to its depletion and ultimately harming everyone who relies on it.
What is the Tragedy of the commons ?
Distribution where organisms are grouped near resources; most common distribution in nature.
Earth's current population.
What is 8 billion people?
Mr. Speakman's favorite flavor of pizza. (hint, its healthy.)
What is a vegetable pizza?
What are caustic chemicals?
the natural limit of a population determined by available resources in a specific environment, such as food, space, and cover.
What is carrying capacity?
An organism’s maximum ability to produce offspring in ideal conditions
What is biotic potential.
What is a carnivorous herbivore? (AKA omnivore...)
The most broken part of Mr. Speakman's car.
What is the windshield?