Back in the Old Days
Anything Constitutional
3 Branches
T-Chart, Listing, Sorting

The world's first Republic.

Reward those who perform good deeds and punish the bad doers.

Ancient Rome

Ethical Ideals of Justice


Name 2 ACTS that were NOT a tax on the colonists.

What vocabulary term from this chapter means to cancel/withdraw?

Quartering Act; Intolerable Acts



(1) Congress had no power to tax (2) could not raise troops (3) could not regulate trade (4) could not enforce laws (5) could not establish a federal court system or executive branch.

weaknesses of the A.O.C.


Leader of the House - 

Leaders of the Senate - (2 answers)

Speaker of the House

Vice President; Majority Leader


T chart it: 3 branches

veto; House of Representatives; life; impeach; Supreme Court; 100; vice president; standing committee; chief justice

Leg - House; impeach, 100; standing committee

Exec - veto; vice president

Jud - life; Supreme Court; chief justice


Some of the most important rights this document first granted the to the people of Britain (1) right to a fair trial (2) right to due process (3) limitation of power. What is the document?

Magna Carta


What was this event in response to?

Tea Act


Which parts are missing from the Preamble below: 

(1)secure the blessing of liberty to ourselves and our posterity do ordain and establish this Constitution of the United States of America (2) we the people in order to form a more perfect union (3)promote the general welfare (4)ensure domestic tranquility

establish justice; provide for the common defense


wanting peace


List the Due Process Amendments

What does "plead the 5th mean"?


you have the right to remain silent.


This was added to the U.S. Constitution after the Civil War to explain what a citizen was.

The SYSTEM of government that the U.S. first had as a nation was ______.

Amendment 14


The Declaration of Independence accomplished 5 things: (1) declared independence (2) announced a theory of government based on natural law and rights. (3) explained why the colonists reacted the way they did. (4) it announced to the world that the U.S. was "open for business." WHAT IS MISSING? 

the list of grievances (complaints)


How long are the TERMS? President; Supreme Court; Senate; House of Representatives

Where in the Constitution does it give states its powers?

4, life, 6, 2

10th Amendment


What is the role of each department?

State Department - 

Defense Department - 

Department of Homeland Security - 

State - carries out nation's foreign policy

Defense - manages armed forces

Homeland - oversees our defense against terrorism


Precedent means what?

previous decisions on past court cases help judges decide on other cases. 


These people were often called the "framers" (creators of our nation. They are more often called _____.

This Enlightenment Thinker had a big influence on the writers of the Declaration of Independence.

Founding Fathers

John Locke


What was the Declaratory Act?

Parliament stated that they had the right to pass laws that applied to the colonists without their approval. 


List 5 principles of the Constitution

25th Amendment - 

Answers can vary: Separation of Powers; Checks and Balances; Federalism; Popular Sovereignty; Limited Government

If Pres. dies, then the VP takes office; new Pres names a new VP; Senate/House approves the choice

Define the following:

(1) enumerated powers (2) reserved powers (3) concurrent powers (4) implied powers

(1) powers listed (2) powers left to the states (3) both the state and federal government share this power (4) if you can't accomplish an enumerated power, then you may use an implied power to complete the enumerated power


List the 7 steps of a criminal trial.

(1) criminal investigation (2) arrest (3) arraignment (4) plea-bargaining (5) trial (6) sentencing (7) appeal.


List 4 things that Ancient Greece was known for.

polis; the assembly; direct democracy; each city-state had its own constitution; civic participation; voting rights; etc.


What were the results of the 1st Continental Congress Meeting?

What were the results of the 2nd Continental Congress Meeting?

protest; boycott; stop importing British goods

created Continental Army; Selected Washington as Commander in Chief; Olive Branch Petition; Write the D.O.I.


Explain the stance that the Federalist / Anti-Federalists had in regards to ratifying the Constitution. 


answers may vary. 

What are the levels of the Federal Court System starting from the bottom up?

How many levels are in the Florida Court System? (If you can name them from the bottom up, then you get 2 additional points) Naming them does NOT count against you. 

District, U.S. Circuit (court of appeals), Supreme Court

4 (Trial Court, Circuit Court of Appeals, District Court of Appeals, Florida Supreme Court)


Government institutions are required to follow which 5 principles?

(1) accountability to the law (2) consistent application of the law (3) decisions based on law (4) fair procedures (5) transparency of institutions.