WW1 facts
What Movie sir
World History
What a read
Famous Leaders

These three countries were the main countries of the Central Powers.

Who were the Ottoman Empire, Germany, and Austria-Hungary


this movie involving dinosaurs made $914 million when it hit box-office back in 1993.

What is Jurassic Park?


This period of time which saw many inventions and philosophical ideas come about means "rebirth" in French

What is the Renaissance?


this book series features starts off with an adventure to find a God's lost weapon. This God is Zeus.

What is Percy Jackson?


This person known as the father of America, also served under the British during the Seven Years war/The French ad Indian War.

Who is George Washington


These three countries were the main countries of the Entente Alliance. (America would later join them in 1917).

Who is Great Britain, France, and Russia?


This movie is the highest grossing film of all time. It came out in 2009.

What is Avatar?


Very bright thinkers such as Kant, Smith, Locke, Rousseau, Descartes, Voltaire, and Hobbes were part of this age in history.

What is the (Age of) Enlightenment?


Wishing to escape the family that he has, a boy (whose name this series gets it's title from) gets a mysterious letter saying that he is destined to go to a magical school.

What is Harry Potter?


This person is perhaps the most famous prime minister of the UK. He led the UK through WW2, but he was also a First Lord of the Admiralty in WW1.

Who is Winston Churchill?


This type of war, last seen in WW1, used a series of trenches to provide cover for the troops from artillery, ad enemy fire.

What is trench warfare?


In charge of planning the movies he was. This character is famous for using anastrophe. A form of grammar that inverses the usual order of words.

Who is Yoda?


Talk about misleading! This war actually went 116 years despite what the name says.

What is the Hundred Years War?


This book takes place in a dystopian future where "Big Brother" controls everything, and the main character tries to defy the government.

What is 1984?


This ruler is often credited with unifying Mongolia and expanding it's territories through revolutionary tactics with calvary. It is said that 1 in 200 are relate to him.

Who is Genghis Khan?


The sinking of this ship caused great controversy as it was a civilian ship that was carrying supplies for the war effort. Many Americans died from the sinking of this ship.

What is the Lusitania?


This Voice actor who sadly died recently voiced famous voices such as Mufasa from the Lion King and Darth Vader from Star Wars.

Who is James Earl Jones?


Despite being exiled several times, this revolution leader was sent back to his homeland by Germany to cause unrest in Russia. He eventually gained power and was the dictator that overthrew the Czar.

Who is Vladimir Lenin?


This book, featuring a character named piggy, explores human nature by showing what might happen when several boys are stranded on an island alone with no adults.

What is Lord of the Flies


This Leader of France was actually Italian by birth. He rose through the ranks of the French Military during the French revolution. He also led his forces in several wars bearing his name.

Who is Napoleon (Bonaparte)


This Plan was the Germans first plan for a quick victory.

What is the Schlieffen Plan?


looking for the holy grail, the adventurers of this movie must hurry as fast as they can to find the afore mentioned artifact before their enemies, the French get to it first.

What is Monty Python and the Holy Grail?


This event happened on June 6th 1944. although it took place on 4 "beaches" movies such as Saving Private Ryan usually focus on Utah. The beach that was the most Chaotic.

What is D-Day?


This book follows the Finch family as Atticus Finch (the father) has to defend a person of minority in court while in the south during the Jim Crow era. this book is also known to have a very controversial scene.

What is To Kill A Mockingbird?


This person, Who is often described as the "Iron Lady", was prime minister of the United Kingdom from 1979-1990.

Who is Margaret Thatcher?