Prejudice Terms
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Lumping a group of people together based on assumptions without really knowing them.

What is Stereotypes? 


Saying "I understand what you're going through".

What is Empathy?


I am the beginning of sorrow and the end of sickness. You cannot express happiness without me yet I am in the midst of crosses. I am always in risk yet never in danger. You may find me in the sun, but I am never out of darkness.

What is the letter "s"?


A woman sees a man slap his girlfriend so she throws her milkshake at him.

What is Repulsion? 


David sees a shooting star.

(a) Expectations and desires

(b) Physical ability to perceive

(c) Knowledge and experiences

(d) Present circumstances/feelings

What is Physical ability to perceive?


To devise self-satisfying, but incorrect reasons for your behavior.

What is Rationalization?


People may feel uncomfortable going to places with large groups of people if they are not introduced to this at a young age.

What is Diversity?


This five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it.

What is the word "short"?


Julie had a falling out with her friends, but her friend Cindy still let her join her study group.

What is Acceptance?


Sandra lost her dog over the weekend so she struggled to be happy about the pizza party at school on Monday.

(a) Expectations and desires

(b) Physical ability to perceive

(c) Knowledge and experiences

(d) Present circumstances/feelings

What is present circumstances/feelings? 


An example of a Positive Stereotype

What are...

  • All black people are good at sports.

  • All Asians are good at math.

  • All women are good with children.

  • All gay men are stylish.


Refusing to let a woman join the football team.

What is discrimination?


A man stands on one side of a river, his dog on the other. The man calls his dog, who immediately crosses the river without getting wet and without using a bridge or a boat. The reason the dog did not get wet.

What is the river was frozen?


James was throwing pencils across the room during the quiz. Even though Stacey knew it was happening, it did not seem to distract her. 

What is Tolerance?


When the 2-year-old saw the movie, Shrek, he did not know there were inappropriate or mature phrases being said.

(a) Expectations and desires

(b) Physical ability to perceive

(c) Knowledge and experiences

(d) Present circumstances/feelings

What is Knowledge and experiences?


Person’s ability to be flexible when reacting to situations or people.

What is open-minded?


Asking someone of Chinese descent if they own a Chinese restaurant.

What is a microaggression?


Forrest left home running. He ran a ways and then turned left, ran the same distance and turned left again, ran the same distance and turned left again. When he got home, there were two masked men. __________ are the men.

Who are the umpire and the catcher?


The car in front of Michelle paid for her in the drive-thru so Michelle paid for the person behind her to continue the kindness. 

What is Appreciation?


Sally was looking forward to going to Mexico, but Cynthia had been there twice so it felt like nothing new to her.

(a) Expectations and desires

(b) Physical ability to perceive

(c) Knowledge and experiences

(d) Present circumstances/feelings

What is Expectations and Desires?


“The closer you are to my universe, the better we can communicate.”

What is Ethnocentrism? 


Parents getting blamed for their kid's bad behavior.

What is a Scapegoat?


The words job and polish have something in common.

What is they are pronounced differently when the first letter is capitalized?


Mr. Crook hid under the desk so Danica would not see him. 

What is Avoidance?




What is Two Scrambled Eggs?