Home Alone
Food Influences

Name 3 positive friendship traits.

1. Caring

2. Supportive

3. Kind

4. Forgiving

5. Appreciative

6. Honest

7. Responsible

8. Respectful


What is the number 1 things you should do right when you get home if you are staying home alone?

Lock your doors


Name 2 reasons that influence our food choices.

1. Hunger

2. Taste

3. Culture/Family

4. Religion

5. Friends

6. Comfort/Emotions

7. Advertising

8. Healthy Lifestyle

9. Convenience

10. Geography


Give me three examples of inhalants.

1. Sharpie

2. Gasoline

3. Perfume/Cologne

4. Cleaning Supplies

5. Spray Paint


What is the drug in tobacco products?



What are 3 hurtful friendship traits?

1. Mean

2. Jealous

3. Unkind

4. Bossy

5. Disrespectful


What are 3 tips on fire safety?

1. Stop, drop, and roll

2. Get low and go

3. Don't go back for anything

4. Get out right away


What is the definition of a comfort food?

A comfort food is a food that reminds you of happy memories or is able to calm you down or make you feel better when you are sick.

How many times do you need to try inhalants before you can die?

1 time


How many chemicals are in a single cigarette?



Give me 2 examples of information that is NOT okay  to share with others that a friend has shared to you.

1. Parents getting divorced

2. Telling others that someone likes someone

3. Parent lost their job

4. Someone's grades


What are 3 tips for getting home safely?

1. Stay on main streets

2. Take the same route

3. Walk with a friend

4. Do not go through deserted areas

5. Tell your parents your route


What is the disease you get from raw chicken?



What are 2 reasons that people choose to try inhalants?

1. Cheap

2. Legal

3. In your home

4. Friends try it

5. Previous drug use


Name three health effects from smoking.

1. Increased Heart Rate

2. Smelly Hair and Clothes

3. Cancer

4. Emphysema

5. Stroke/Heart Attack

6. Stained Yellow Fingers

7. Stained Teeth

8. Tooth Loss


What are 2 things you can do to help start a new friendship?

1. Talk about them

2. Relax

3. Listen

4. Ask questions

5. Common interests


What are 3 tips for staying safe around strangers?

1. Do not talk to strangers

2. Do not accept rides or gifts from strangers

3. Do not open the door to strangers

4. Do not give strangers directions


What is pizza farming?

Where farmers grow all of the ingredients to make pizza from the wheat for the crust all the way to the toppings. 


What is the definition of an inhalant?

A chemical you breath in that is harmful to your body.


Name three health effects from chewing tobacco.

1. Mouth Sores

2. Bad Breath

3. Cancer

4. Tooth Loss

5. Stained Teeth

6. Gum Disease


What does reciprocity mean?

Give and take


What are 3 tips on babysitting?

1. Keep kids away from the stove, oven and knives

2. Do not let them play with plastic bags

3. Do not let them play with toys they can choke on

4. Get information from the parents - contact info

5. Never give the child medications without permission


What are 2 spices we added to our chicken noodle soup?

1. Basil

2. Oregano

3. Pepper


Name 3 health effects of choosing to use inhalants.

1. Instant Death

2. Hearing Loss

3. Nausea/Vomit

4. Dizziness

5. Brain Damage

6. Headache

7. Cancer


Name 2 strategies to say "no" to tobacco.

1. Say a direct "No"

2. Repeat the same phrase over and over

3. Suggest another activity

4. Give a fact

5.. State your feelings/opinions

6. Walk away