The first thing you're supposed to do in Mr. Price's class after you take your seat
Copy the date and I Can . . . statement in my notebook.
The max number of Boces Bucks you can get per period in Mr. Price's class
A "letter" in Math is called a
What you need to have in order to be able to speak
The Talking Piece
The color pants Mr . Price wore yesterday
What you turn in at the beginning of the day and retrieve at the end of the day.
The day you can purchase items from the Boces Cart
1.4 rounds to
Do we sit or stand during circle?
Your Favorite Teacher
Mr. Price
How long students get in the "Comfy Chair" before the next rotation.
A week
In the beginning, you will be limited to only purchasing this many items at the Boces Cart
The 4 major operations in Math
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division
The approximate time we start afternoon circle
12:40 pm
The Company that delivers "Fun" stuff and there's a factory location next to this building
When you're waiting for Mr. Price to assist you with a Math problem but he's helping someone else, you should . . .
Work on a problem you can complete independently until Mr. Price is available.
The name of the certificate you can receive for getting a 90% in Mr. Price's class
Mathematics Achievement Certificate
At a football stadium the price of a cheeseburger is $18.88 for 3 of them. If you want to buy 7, how much would it cost?
About $44
The main reason we do a circle in the afternoon
To review expectations of the program/classes
The age Mr. Price REALLY started losing his hair
When Mr Price is talking you should
The max amount of money Mr. Price will spend on a reward after you complete 10 Math Minutes
The spelling of the last names of the staff running the Circle
Phillips, Nicoletti, Gilbert
New York State's Population is about 20,201,249. NYC makes up about half of this number. What is NYC's population?
10, 100,624 people!