Instruments and Instrument Families
Musical Genres
Music Symbols and Vocabulary
Music From Walker Assemblies
Grab Bag

These are the four MAIN instrument families.

What are Woodwind, Brass, Strings, and percussion?


True or False: A song can only belong to one or two genres.

False: Many songs are considered to be part of more than two genres. Example: John Denver's "Country Roads" is widely considered to be country, country rock, classic rock, folk, folk rock, and last but not least, pop!


This is what we call beats of silence in music.

What are rests?

We often sing "If I Had a Hammer" at this annual assembly. (We did this year!) This is the name of that assembly.

What is The Martin Luther King Junior Assembly/March ? (January)


This is what ROD stands for.

What is Rhythm of the Day?


You will ALWAYS find your left hand at the top when correctly playing instruments from this family.

What is the woodwind family?


(Audio Question)

This is the MAIN genre of this song.

What is Reggae?

This term is the musical word for speed.

What is tempo?


These two assemblies happened in April. We learned music for both of them. 

What are The Change Maker March Assembly and The Earth Day Assembly (aka Spring Sing)?

Every finger is given a number when playing keyboards/pianos. This is the number given to your ring finger.

What is finger number 4?


This is the oldest instrument family.

What is the percussion family?


This is what it is called when someone takes an existing song, keeps the melody and rhythms, but changes the lyrics.

What is a parody?
Written music is divided into small sections, each with an equal amount of beats. This is what these small sections are called.

What are measures?


This grade was the only grade to perform on the actual stage during the Earth Day Assembly

What is 5th Grade?


This is Mrs. Jeff's favorite movie.

What is "The Sound of Music"


Trumpets do not have buttons or keys. The things you press down on are called this.

What are valves?


This is what the term "Folk" literally means.

(As in "Folk Music")

What is "from the people" or "of the people"


Two staffs and two clefs connected together are called this.

What is a Grand Staff?


These lyrics are sung immediately after these lyrics:

" North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Antarctica, and Australia....."

(so, what comes next?????)

What is:

"But the biggest thing everybody can see is that I gotta lotta water all over me"


What song did the 3rd Grade sing by themselves in the Winter Show?

What is "Together"

These are the two families within the Woodwind Family.

What are reeds and flutes?


This person is considered to be the world's most famous Movie Music Composer.

Who is John Williams?

(composed the music for Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter and MANY, MANY other movies)


How many beats does the following equation equal?

Answer: 11 Beats


This was the name of the mini-musical that the 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders performed for this year's Walker Winter Show.

What is "Stormy the Singing Snowman".


This time signature is also called "common time".

What is 4/4?