Greek Mythology
Science & Social Studies

Elle est une ___________ intelligente.


1. personn 2. persone 3. person 4. personne

4 - personne

No Prize!


Quel est un verbe de Dr. Mrs. Vandertramp?


1. Devenur 2. Devenir 3. Advenir 4. Venur

2 - Devenir

No Prize!


Who is Zeus' favourite daughter?


1. Artemis 2. Athena 3. Leto 4. Persephone 

2 - Athena

No Prize!


Vrai ou Faux : Il y a cinq ou six ou quatre forces de vol (flight).


1. Faux 2. Vrai

2 - Vrai

No Prize!


What is the equivalent fraction of 34/47?


1. 68/98 2. 69/378 3. 68/94 4. 34/48

3 - 68/94

No Prize!


The song "Espresso" is written by ____________.


1. Taylor Swift 2. Sabrina Carpenter

3. Ariana Grande 4. Beyonce

2 - Sabrina Carpenter

No Prize!


Les cinq sections de "BANGS" sont ________.


1. Beauty, age, numbers, goodness, size

2. Beauty, age, nice, goodness, size

3. Bounce, age, numbers, goddess, small

4. Beauty, age, numbers, goodness, small

1 - Beauty, age, numbers, goodness, size

No Prize!


Vrai ou Faux : Artemis et Apollo sont des jumeaux (twins).


1. Vrai 2. Faux

1 - Vrai

No Prize!


Il y a __ planètes avec Pluto dans notre système solaire.


1. 12 2. 13 3. 10 4. 11

2 - 13

No Prize!


What is the right answer to make x correct : 75 < (2x) + 28 + 12?


1. 18 2. 21 3. 23 4. 22

3 - 23

No Prize!


How many Percy Jackson movies are there?


1. 3 movies 2. 5 movies 3. 3 movies 4. 2 movies

4 - 2 movies

Prize: Chose a member of another team that can't answer their next question!


C'est quoi 2197 en mots?


1. deux-mille-quatre-vingt-dix-sept

2. deux-cent-quatre-huit-dix-sept

3. deux-mille-quatre-vingt-dix-huit

4. deux-mille-quatre-dix-dix-sept

1 - deux-mille-quatre-vingt-dix-sept

Prize: Chose a team to lose 300 points!


Who is goddess of the night?


1. Nighta 2. Nite 3. Nyx 4. Nyte

3 - Nyx

Prize: Force a member of an other team to answer their next question!


Environ de 1 million de personnes immigrant au Canada arrivent par le QUAI __.


1. 12 2. 21 3. 22 4. 11

2 - 21

Prize: Skip another team's turn!


C'est quoi un milliard?


1. 1,000,000 2. 1,000,000,000 3. 10,000

2 - 1,000,000,000

No Prize!


Who is Yiran's favourite singer?


1. Levee 2. Laufey 3. Sabrina Carpenter 4. Ahyeon

2 - Laufey

Prize: Chose a team to lose 450 points!


Vrai ou Faux : Les aloluttes sont des "larks" en anglais.


1. Vrai 2. Faux

2 - Faux

Prize: x2 points!


Choose All That Apply : Quelles sont les femmes de Zeus?


A. Hera B. Themis C. Leto D. Metis

All of them!

Prize: For the next question, your teammates can help you answer the question!


Environ de 22,000 ans passes, les premières personnes qui ont habité le Canada ont traversé le détroit de Béring.


1. Vrai 2. Faux

2 - Faux

Prize: Make a team lose 450 points!


What is 234-67+365+2-47?


1. 487 2. 378 3. 463 4. 478

1 - 487

Prize: Answer another 150 point question!


I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I?


Give us your answer! (Hint : It's common when you stand on tall mountains)

An echo!

Prize: Get a player from another team!


C'est quoi le passe compose du verbe "savoir"?


1. Sa 2. Savoir 3. Su 4. Savoi

3 - Su

Prize: Skip a team's next turn!


Who were the four gods known as the Anemoi?


1. Sun gods

2. Moon gods 

3. Gods of music and singing

4. Wind and weather gods

4 - Wind and weather gods

Prize: Choose two people in a team that can't answer their next question!


How many moons does Jupiter have?


1. 39 moons 2. 86 moons 3. 99 moons 4. 95 moons

4 - 95 moons

Prize:You get to answer another 150 point question!


C'est quoi huit-mille-dix additionner trois-cents-quatre-vingt-dix-neuf?


1. Huit-mille-quatre-cents-neuf

2. Huit-cents-quatre-mille-huit

3. Huit-mille-neuf-cents-quatre

1 - Huit-mille-quatre-cents-neuf

Prize: Choose two teams to switch a member!