Multiplying Decimals
Dividing Decimals
Comparing and Ordering

Calculate the product of 6.65 and 7. Show your strategy. 



Calculate the quotient of 6.45 and 5. Show your strategy.

The quotient is 1.29


How many milligrams are in a gram?

How many grams are in a kilogram?

There 1000 milligrams in a gram.

There are 1000 grams in a kilogram. 


Compare using >,<, or =. Justify your answer

0.31 ____  0.103 

0.31 > 0.103

If you compare the decimals on a place value the digit in the tenths place is bigger. So I know that 0.31 is greater than 0.103.


Avi, Allie, and Carter went to the local pizza place to buy pizza for their class. A slice of pizza costs $2.45. How much will 27 slices cost?

It will cost $17.15


Koen distributed $126 equally among his 4 cousins for their weekly allowance. How much money did each cousin  receive?

Each cousin received $31.50.


If I want to get from grams to milligrams what would you have to do?

If I want to get from milligrams to grams what would you have to do?

I would have to multiply by 1000 if I want to get from grams to milligrams. 

I would have to divide by 1000 if I want to get from milligrams to grams.


Order the following decimals in ascending order.

0.97; 0.946; 0.8235; 1.654; 1.644

Ascending order is least to greatest!

0.8235; 0.946; 0.97; 1.644; 1.654


Keon, Aaron, and Cohen walk to subway and back on Fridays and Saturdays. He lives 3.62 kilometers away from the subway. How many kilometers do Keon and his friends walk?

Keon and his friends walk 14.48 kilometers. 


Chase is stocking shelves at Bass Pro to make some extra spending money. He made $63.00 working for 6 hours as. a tocker. How much money does he make per hour?

Chase makes $10.50 per hour. 


Dr.Green had 29.925g of medicine that made a total of 5 doses. How many grams are in one dose? How many milligrams are in one dose?

There are 5.985g of medicine in one dose. There are 5,985 mg in one dose. 


Compare using >, <, or =. Justify your solution. 

13 tenths + 8 tenths + 32 hundredths   ◯   2.42

Step 1: Put everything into standard form.

13 tenths: 1.3; 8 tenths: 0.8; 32 hundredths: 0.32 = 1.3+0.8+0.32= 2.42

2.42 = 2.42


Using the area model strategy. Find the product of 2.26 an 9. 

= 20.34


Wade, the oldest child, paid his siblings to do his chores. If Wade gets paid $48.20, and splits his allowance equally to his 2 brothers and 2 sisters, how much money will each sibling have received? 

Each sibling will receive $12.50.


Aleeah rides her bike to school and back on Mondays and Wednesdays. She lives 2.12 kilometers away from school. How many kilometers does she bike? How many meters does she bike?

Aleeah bikes 8.48 kilometers. Aleeah bikes 8,480 meters. 


 Compare using >, <, or =. Justify your solution. 

2 + (3 x 1/10 ) + (4 x 1/1000)    ◯   2.324

Step 1: Make everything into standard form. 

 2 + (3 x 1/10 ) + (4 x 1/1000)    ◯   2.324

2 + 0.3+0.004= 2.304 

2.304 < 2.324


Grayson solved for a multiplication problem below. Did he get it right or wrong? Explain.

16.74 x 3 =5.022

The answer is 50.22. If Grayson used standard algorithm he did not count the proper amount of decimal place values for his product. 


Brynley is traveling to Chicago.  She travels 3.32 km per minute.  How many kilometers will she have traveled in 23.5 minutes?

78.02 km


Mrs.Strong and her dog walked 6,789 meters on Friday. How much did Mrs.Strong and her dog, Homer, walk in kilomters?

6.789 kilometers 


Compare using >,<, or =. Justify your solution. 

(0.3  x 10^2) + (0.007 x 10^3 )◯ (0.3 x 10) +.         ( 0.7 x 10^2)

*HINT*  10^2 anytime you see ^ means there is an exponent. 

Step 1: Write the expanded form into standard form.

(0.3  x 10^2) + (0.007 x 10^3 ) 

30+7= 37

(0.3 x 10) +( 0.7 x 10^2)

3+70= 73
