Draw Conclusions, Text Evidence, and Inferences
Determine Theme and Summarize
Mood, Tone, and Figurative Language

Define Inference

A conclusion reached using evidence and reasoning


Define theme

The moral or lesson taught by a story


Define plot

The sequence of events that make up a story


What's the difference between a simile and a metaphor?

A simile is a comparison using like or as, a metaphor is a comparison that doesn't use like or as.


True or false

Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and Porky Pig were all voiced by the same person



Crack!  Thunder struck and rain poured.  Max stared blankly out the window, trying to contain his emotions that raged like the weather.  He was beginning to lose it.  Dropping the kite from his hand, Max broke out into full sobs.  His mother comforted him, “There, there, Max.  We’ll just find something else to do.”  She began to unpack the picnic basket that was on the counter and offered him a sandwich.  Max snapped, “I don’t wanna sand-mich!”  A flash from the sky lit up the living room.  Boom!  Mom sighed.

4.  Why is Max upset?

He wanted to fly his kite and have a picnic


Barry liked playing board games, but he hated losing. He hated losing so much that he would do whatever it took to win, even bending or breaking the rules. He'd steal money from the bank and hide it under the couch cushions. He'd skip spaces while he was moving around the board. He'd shortchange others money that they were owed and argue with them about it. Barry's techniques were effective. He did win most of the games that he played, but the people whom he played with were his friends and family, and it didn't take too long until they caught on to Barry's tricks. They tried to tell Barry to stop cheating. They said that the game wasn't any fun when he cheated, but he didn't listen. He continued with his treacherous style of gameplay, until nobody would play with him anymore. Barry may have won a lot of games, but at what cost?

What is the theme of the story?

Winning isn't everything


Read each item. Then write the letter of the best answer.

1.      At the beginning of a story, you learn that Tommy is given a puppy he has always wanted. He names him Max. What is this part of the story called?

A. climax B. exposition C. rising action D. falling action

B. exposition


Read the following passage. Then, answer each question.

Our whole family spent the day at the beach. It was a bright and breezy day, perfect for flying kites. My father held the kite high as I unrolled the cord. I started running across the sparkling sand. The kite rose easily on the wind. My parents cheered. Once aloft, the kite leaped in the air like a trout in blue water. I gave the cord to my little sister. As she felt the tugging of the kite, she laughed out loud. “I’m fishing in the sky.”

1. Which of these best describes the mood of the passage? Circle the letter.

A. delighted C. unhappy

B. serious D. hopeful

A. delighted


What is Spotify's top song of 2022?

As it Was by Harry Styles


John sat in the classroom and drew pictures of the Tatakai Fighting Warriors in his notebook while his teacher lectured about biology or something.  He didn't really know for sure.  The last thing he remembered her saying was that there would be a test tomorrow.  His heart jumped.  He went home to study for the test, but he was soon drawn to his Game Box.  He played Tatakai Fighting Warriors long into the night.  When his alarm clock rang the next day, he was too tired to hit the snooze button, so he let it beep for about 20 minutes before he got up and went to school.  As she had promised, the teacher has prepared a test.  She reviewed the testing procedures and directions with the class and then passed out the test.  John looked at his test and scratched his head...

What happens next?

He probably fails the test


Determine the theme of the following passage.

You can find Nature’s beauty in the strangest places. Deep in the ocean, miles below the surface, groups of giant tube worms attach themselves to the ocean floor. Their feathery red heads wave in the current.

You can find Nature’s beauty in the strangest places


2.      A little later in the story, Tommy finds that Max has become very sick, and he worries about his health. What is this part of the story called?

A. conflict B. exposition C. rising action D. resolution

A. conflict


Give an example of hyperbole

Anything with an extreme exaggeration


Who sings "Miss the Rage"?

Trippie Redd


Read the following passage. Then, answer the questions that follow.

The view from Tyson’s Peak this morning was amazing. We could see all

the way to the mainland. The boats below us looked like children’s toys

bobbing in a bathtub. Brook Hollow Road was a twisting snake, winding its

way through the tiny village. The striking view, the warm sunlight, and the

refreshing breeze made us agree that we had never visited a more wonderful

place. We are already planning to return next summer.

1. Based on details in this passage, where is Tyson’s Peak probably located?

On an Island


Determine the theme of the following passage:

When my cousin Keesha said she did not like my new necklace, I decided I would never talk to her again. As it turned out, I did not talk to her for three days. On the fourth day, I was in the store on the corner buying an orange. Suddenly, I heard a voice. “Young lady, if you eat too much fruit, you will swell up like a balloon!” I started to laugh. I turned around. It was Keesha. “You do not have to talk to me,” said Keesha. “I know how mad you are.” “Well,” I said. “I have decided that just because you do not know anything about

necklaces, it does not mean we cannot be friends.”

Friends don't have to agree on everything


3.      His family takes Max to Dr. Thomas, a veterinarian. Dr. Thomas gives Max some medication, but tells Tommy to hope for the best because Max is very sick.

What is this part of the story called?

A. climax B. exposition C. rising action D. falling action

A. climax


Directions: Read each poem and then answer the following questions.


By Kendall Banning

The bees are humming, humming in the clover;
The bobolink1 is singing in the rye;
The brook is purling2, purling in the valley,
And the river's laughing, radiant, to the sky!

The buttercups are nodding in the sunlight;
The winds are whispering, whispering to the pine;
The joy of June has found me; as an aureole3 it's crowned me
Because, oh best belovèd, you are mine!

1. bobolink: a songbird.

2. purling: when a stream flows with a murmuring sound.

3. aureole: a golden circle of light, usually around the head of a god or a saint.

What is the speaker's tone?

Delighted or joyful


What is the name of Charlie Brown's bird?



The view from Tyson’s Peak this morning was amazing. We could see all

the way to the mainland. The boats below us looked like children’s toys

bobbing in a bathtub. Brook Hollow Road was a twisting snake, winding its

way through the tiny village. The striking view, the warm sunlight, and the

refreshing breeze made us agree that we had never visited a more wonderful

place. We are already planning to return next summer.

Which of the following conclusions does not seem correct, based on the passage?

Put a check mark next to your answer.

A. The writer is on vacation.

B. The writer is alone.

C. The writer is having a good time.

D. The writer is not afraid of heights.

B. The writer is alone.


Determine the theme of the following passage:

An old fisherman and a young fisherman went fishing. Near the end of the day, the old fisherman hooked a huge fish. The two struggled for an hour to get the fish in their boat. The fish was too strong, though, and it got away. The young fisherman was upset that they did not catch the fish after so much work. The old fisherman laughed and said, “Now you have a reason to go fishing tomorrow—to catch that big fish!”

If at first you don't succeed, try again.


4.      After a few days pass, Max begins to get some of his energy back. Dr.

Thomas says that Max will be back to normal very soon. What is this part of the story called?

A. conflict B. exposition C. rising action D. falling action

D. falling action


The Land of Nod

By Robert Louis Stevenson


From breakfast on through all the day
At home among my friends I stay,
But every night I go abroad
Afar into the land of Nod.

All by myself I have to go,
With none to tell me what to do--
All alone beside the streams
And up the mountain-sides of dreams.

 The strangest things are there for me,
Both things to eat and things to see,
And many frightening sights abroad
Till morning in the land of Nod.

Try as I like to find the way,
I never can get back by day,
Nor can remember plain and clear
The curious music that I hear.

What is this passage about?

What is the tone?

adventurous or curious


Where did Shaq go to college?

LSU aka Louisiana State University