What is the number shown on the dice?
What letter does this animal start with
C ! for Cat
What is the shortest month of the year?
What shape is this?
A rectangle!
opposite sides are equal.
What sound does this animal make?
Why couldn't the flower ride a bike?
It lost its petals.
What sign do we use when adding?
plus sign + , so the first one!
How many syllables are there in Daffodil ?
Why did one bee make fun of the other bee?
He was acting like a bay-bee!
How much is this coin worth ?
10c (Dime)
Are these letters vowels or consonants ?
What is the best flower for a boy to give to his mom ?
A son-flower!
How much is this coin worth ?
What words have AY in them?
pay, may , bay etc!
What kind of bow cannot be tied or untied?
A rainbow!
What has been your favorite moment at GiGis'?
No wrong answer.
everyone gets an extra 500 points!