A Tribute to Teachers
Toasting the BBQ Season
Making Music
Exploring Outer Space
The Waning Days of Summer

This is a traditional gift given to schoolteachers by their students.

What is an apple?


BBQ season officially starts on this weekend in May.

What is Victory Day weekend or May 2-4?


This little brother of the guitar is associated with Hawaii.  Unlike the guitar, which has six strings, it has only four.

What is a Ukulele?


This classic television series from the late 1960s starred Leonard Nimoy as Mr. Spock and William Shatner as Captain Kirk.

What is Star Trek?


It's not just the high temperature; it's also the high amount of moisture in the air, called this, that makes us wilt.

What is humidity? Canada uses a "humidex", a calculation using temperature and humidity, to reflect comfort or discomfort based on the combination of both factors.


This renowned teacher taught an equally renowned blind and deaf pupil.

Who is Anne Sullivan?


You can add BBQ flavor to the outside of your meat with a sauce or by rubbing this into the meat.

What is a dry rub?


This member of the mirliton family of instruments, which relies on a cross between humming and singing, is every kid's dream and every parent's nightmare.

What is a kazoo?


This 1977 movie starred Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker.

What is Star Wars?


If you're going to spend all day in the sun, don't forget to apply this at frequent intervals.

What is sunscreen?


This actor portrayed Mayberry's sheriff and later played a famous Atlanta lawyer who wanted to be a preacher but taught high school music before becoming an actor.

Who is Andy Griffith?


You'll need this long, thin BBQ gadget if you want to make kabobs.

What is a skewer?


Yo-Yo Ma is a world-renowned musician who plays this instrument.

What is the cello?


This is the largest planet in the universe.

What is Jupiter?


This outdoor vacation, which can involve sleeping under the starts and cooking food over an open fire, is a family favourite.

What is camping?


In the comic strip Peanuts, Charlie Brown's teacher is known for this saying.

What is, "Wah, wah, wah.."?


When you go tot he store to buy a cooked chicken for dinner, it is often named for this rotating spit device.

What is a rotisserie (chicken)?


This is the colour of the tambourine in the Lemon Piper's 1968 hit bubblegum song.

What is Green? The name of the song was "Green Tambourine" on the album of the same name.


This is the only planet not named for a god.

What is earth?


When you're standing on the beach and the waves are at their best height for surfing, you're likely to hear this expression from surfers.

What is "Surf's up"?


This educator from ancient Greece taught his students by questioning them.

Who is Socrates? This method is called the Socratic Method.


Some grills use LPG of this type of propane gas as fuel.  

Hint: We're looking for the substance the "L" represents.

What is liquid?


This percussion instrument, whose name means "wooden sound," is played by striking it with two wooden mallets.

What is the xylophone?


This former planet was demoted to a mere object.

What is Pluto?


When you've spent too much time in the broiling sun and your body's cooling system no longer functions properly, you might develop this condition.

What is sunstroke?