About us
Classroom Management
Private Classes

Usually, how long are classes?

1 hour long. 

Friday tuts: 30min

Friday school: 1.5h

Private classes can be longer depending.


Do private class students use books?

No. With these classes, content is based on what students need help with rather than following a syllabus.


Can teachers take materials out of the academy?

Yes, just sign materials out on the door.


Can teachers contact students?



How many students are in private classes?

1 or 2 students


Can Academy teachers decorate their classrooms? Can other teachers?

We love when the classrooms reflect all the great work that has been happening. Feel free to hang up students ́ work and decorate your classroom so that it reflects all the brilliant learning taking place. Please ensure to use blue tac rather than tape and that all student's work is given back at the end of each trimester.

We have a wide range of classroom posters available which teachers can take a look through and print whenever they want to. Let's make a welcoming environment!

Teachers working in schools are not able to decorate any of the walls and should leave the classroom as they found it.


Name three locations where we offer classes.

In the academy, in students´ homes, in a nursery, in schools, online and in businesses.


Can students write in their books?

Yes, we encourage it.


Can students take materials out of the academy?

Yes, we can lend materials for extra help. Just sign materials out on the door with your name too.


What materials should students bring to class? What should they do with any worksheets?

All students are required to bring a notebook and a pencil case with all the materials they may need to classes.

We also encourage them to bring a folder to keep all their worksheets in. If students do not bring a folder, they should keep all their papers neatly in the back of their book. We try to encourage students to take pride in their work.


What should private class teachers do in the first class?

With private classes, teachers are in charge of locating, organising and teaching content based on either what students want to develop on (it could be supporting their school studies or helping them reach a professional goal) or what the teacher feels that the student should develop on. A discussion about what the private classes are for and what their content will entail should be established in the first class by the student/parent and teacher.


What are registers? Take a look at the registers and briefly explain what all symbols mean.

Each trimester teachers are given a register of their students. During class teachers are expected to complete the register by putting the appropriate symbol next to students ́ names.


For which ages and levels are our English classes?

Children and teenagers: Infantil to ESO (Pre-A1-B2)

Teenagers and adults: A2-C2


Can students keep their book in the academy/school/nursery?

No, all students take their books home and bring them each class.


Can students connect to the WIFI?



How often do we recommend you give homework to: infantil, primary, ESO and adults? What would we do if students aren't completing homework?

Infantil: Never

Primary: Something small each week

Teens and adults: Something small each week/a writing over a few weeks.

Each teacher can decide if they want to issue homework, what the homework is and

when they want to issue it. Nevertheless, it is recommended to give a small piece of homework each

week, to give students the weekend to complete it and then to correct the work in class collectively.

We encourage students to be in charge of their own learning as much as possible and so they should implement techniques such as writing down what their homework is, correcting themselves in class and being responsible for bringing work on time.

If teachers notice that students are not completing their homework, the Director can message home and teachers can also mention the lack of meeting deadlines in the students report. As mentioned, students should be encouraged to take charge of their own learning and so the Director will not send messages home to remind students to complete the homework unless necessary.


If a private class student arrives late to class, does the class get extended to make up for missed time?

No, times are set.


What are reports, who are they for and how often are they written?

Each trimester we write in depth reports about the students to inform students themselves/parents about their development. These reports are essential and required to be done by all teachers. The aims of the reports are:

● 1st Trimester: A first assessment of skill ability.

● 2nd Trimester: A follow up on development and an outline of the results from the evaluations

● 3rd Trimester: A summary of development and advice for going forwards.


Name one other subject aside from English which is taught at Unik.

Unik specialises in English classes however we can offer other types of classes depending on demand. These could be classes such as: maths, science, french, spanish, as well as general school support. These classes are usually private classes and they are taught by a specialist.


What do we do if students in group classes forget their books?

If students do not bring their book to class twice in a row/often, the Director should be informed.


Can teachers use the hall computer, printer and connect to the WIFI?

Of course. 

Please organise your documents in a file on the hall computer. 

The printer only prints in black and white however teachers can print in colour if needed by visiting the printing shop which is very close to the academy, please ask the Director for more details if necessary.

Teachers can connect to the WIFI.


How is homework corrected?

Together in class; Try and encourage self-correction in class for all students and keep them an active member in evaluating their progression.

As part of our methodology, we want students to have a positive outlook on making mistakes, understanding that it helps them progress. With this, we ask that teachers use positive language when giving feedback and correct any students' work with positive colours.


Are private classes given on days when schools are closed?

Teachers can talk with their private classes and decide if they will have classes or not. Teachers are not obliged to give particular classes during the holidays however they are free to do so if they want to, please inform the Director if any private classes are scheduled during school holidays.


What are evaluations, who are they for and how often are they done?

In the second trimester we do evaluations with English students (they are obligatory for group classes older than 1st primary and optional for private classes). Evaluations are mock Cambridge exams where we test the students abilities. 


How many students are in Academy group classes?

*Bonus Qs: How many students are in school classes?

2-6 students

*5-15 students


Name three book materials teachers have.

A teacher´s book

Maybe a student´s book depending if needed

A workbook

Online presentation tool


Which technological items are available for teachers to use?


A tablet (ask me)

A projector

Students phones (teens and adults)


If a student needs help with their English school studies in group classes, what would we do? 

*Bonus: What would we do if it was a private class?

Teachers are not obliged to help students in group classes with their school work and instead should follow the content of the class book (students can attend tutorial sessions if they need school support).

*Bonus: We would help them and prepare materials.


Why might a student prefer a private class?

Time, exam-focus, individual attention, level.


What are weekly Director to Teacher meetings for?

Each English teacher will have obligatory paid weekly sessions with the Director, these will last for 30 minutes and it is essential teachers arrive on time and are fully prepared. The weekly sessions will follow this plan (changes might be made once depending on each teacher's professional development goals):

● Term 1: Understanding CEFR levels and practising planning classes.

● Term 2: Implementing classroom management, discussing how to conduct assessments, and

identifying student needs.

● Term 3: General planning sessions.


How many times per week will group class teachers see their students?

Twice (Mon+Wed or Tue+Thu)


Name two book materials students have.

A student´s book

Online practice kit


Why might we use online resources in classes?

To adapt content.

To make content more interesting.

To offer further help.


What should be done in the first class for groups?

Classroom expectations should be decided and discussed in the first class and students should follow such expectations throughout the course. You may want to make a visual.


You notice a student has difficulty with the past simple tense, what do you do?



Are group classes given on days when schools are closed? What else is offered to students on days when schools are closed?

Although the Academy does not open to give it ́s usual classes during the school holidays, we often run a bilingual ludoteca for infantil and primary children (both children from the academy and children new to the academy). Ludotecas are themed, have a variety of activities and are run by teachers. If a ludoteca is organised, the Director will ask teachers which of them are interested in running it.


What are Friday tutorials for?

*Bonus: Who prepares the materials?

1. For group class students that need additional help, we have one group for primary support and one group for ESO+ support.

2. For group class students that want extra help with external work. 

*The student´s teacher prepares work and gives it to the tuts teacher BY THURSDAY.


Students will start a new book at the end of October. Before then, classes will finish their previous coursebook. What do we do if students are new and don´t have last course´s classbook?

We will make them copies/they will work in their notebook. Ask them in their first class.


Where should teachers store any physical papers?

Academy and Nursery teachers can use their classroom. 

All teachers have a folder under the printer.


How do students enter the academy? How many minutes before the end of the class should students leave the academy?

Teachers who have classes in the academy should collect their students from outside the front door and bring them into class. 

Students leave as close to the hour as possible.


How do teachers know if a student is preparing for an exam?

They will see ´EP´ on their register and timetable.


Which documents would a teacher need to provide if they are sick or require absence?

Teachers cannot take holiday during the course, holidays will happen when the Academy is closed during school holidays.

If teachers are sick, they should provide the  ́baja ́ note from the Doctor and advise the Director that they will not be able to work with as much notice as possible so that a substitute can be found.

If teachers need to take time off for any other reason e.g exams or personal matters, a signed absence note needs to be given to the Director.


What is Unik´s motto and what does it mean?

 ́Everyone is Unik ́: each student is unique and we strive to provide the very best education for each individual.


How do teachers know how long they should spend on each unit of the book?

Check the pacing document and speak to me if worried.


Where are the cleaning products located?

Under the sink, brooms are in the storage cupboard.


What should infantil and primary group class teachers be aware of when students exit the academy/school/nursery?

Infantil and primary teachers in the academy/in schools/in the nursery are in charge of making sure that students leave fully prepared, this means that their jackets are on with all their materials packed away. These teachers are also in charge of making sure students leave with the correct person. Teachers with young learners should make an effort to learn parents ́ faces. If unsure, teachers should ask the student who they are going home with and then check that the person collecting them is that person. Young students cannot wait with another student's parents unless the Director has cleared that it is OK; students can only leave with their own carers. If there are any doubts, please ask the Director. ESO students can leave by themselves.


What should be the focus of ´EP´ private classes?

Teachers will do practise tests with the student and all class content will revolve around the exam. 

This should be a mix of language development, skills practice and exploring exam techniques.


What is the required notice period?

Teachers are required to give a notice period of 15 days. If the notice period of 15 days is not given, teachers will owe the amount that they would have been paid for the work that they would have done.


Name one important aspect of our methodology.

1. The key to learning is motivation.

2. Through developing confidence, study skills and problem solving skills, we do not just teach, we aim to make dynamic learners.

3. Our focus is not only on the academic development of our students, but also on the development of their personal skills: Amongst others, our students develop critical thinking skills, explore their creativity and also learn how to collaborate with others.


Name two ways we could integrate the book´s online resources into classes?

Projecting content

Setting homework

Encouraging use in reports


Name two materials in the storage cupboard and how they could be used in classes.

1. Indoor and outdoor games

2. Other books

3. Crafts


List three classroom management techniques that could be implemented to ensure a positive learning environment.

We use positive reinforcement. 

Rewards: stickers, games, choosing a song for a playlist. No sweets or purchases.


What is Unik´s cancellation policy for private classes?

Our policy for the payment of private classes is:

● If a student cancels with more than 24 hours notice: We do not charge for the class and teachers do not get paid.

● If a student cancels with less than 24 hours notice: We charge for the class and the teacher gets paid.

● If a teacher cancels at any time before the class: The teacher will need to either reschedule the class with the student, find a substitute to teach the class or alternatively just not do the class and hence, not receive the money. Regardless, the solution to a teacher not being able to attend a private class should be discussed with the student/their parents and the Director should be informed of the decision.


What should teachers remember to do if they are the last one to leave?

All teachers will be given a key. The last teacher to leave should ensure that the computer and printer in the hall are off, all the lights are off and that the door is properly locked (the shutter does not need to be put down).