Do you Remember... September?
"It's Giving Outsiders"
Subject Area Questions
Mr. Kurpick Trivia

In the short story "The Lottery," this is why the village sacrifices a person every year by pelting them with rocks.

What is for a good harvest?

"Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon."


This is the character, in The Outsiders, who died after saving many people in a church fire.

Who is Johnny Cade?


This was the first President of the United States.

Who is George Washington?


This is Mr. Kurpick's favorite sports team.

Who is the New York Yankees?


This is the name of the solar system Earth is home to. It is also a candy bar with milk chocolate, caramel, and nougat.

What is Milky Way?


In the short story "Lamb to the Slaughter," this is how Mary Maloney gets away with the murder of her husband.

(I'll accept two answers. DOUBLE points for both)

What is using stereotypes and having the cops eat the murder weapon?


Jonas and Ponyboy are the main characters in their books. This is the name of the character we're "rooting for" in a novel called.

What is the protagonist?


This is the term for a word that has the opposite meaning of another word.

What is an Antonym?


This is Mr. Kurpick's favorite color.

(Hint: It is not the normal Red, Blue, Green)

What is Orange?


This is Super Mario's actual "job".

What is a plumber?


In "The Monsters are Due on Maple Street," this is why all of the neighbors turn on each other.

What is the power goes out (and back on again randomly)?

This is the character, in The Outsiders, who was famous for being a "car-guy" and is Ponyboy's least favorite member of the gang.

Who is Steve Randle?


This is the value of 7^2 (Seven Squared). 

What is 49?


This is the month Mr. Kurpick (and Mrs. Miggs) is born. DOUBLE POINTS IF YOU GET THE DAY TOO!

What is May 2nd?


This is the amount of stripes on the American flag.

What is 13?


In "The Monkey's Paw," this is Mr. White's final wish.

What is for everything to go back to normal?


This is what Dally does to get him shot at the end of the novel. 

What is rob a grocery store?


Name THREE of the FIVE Oceans of the world.

What are the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean, and Antarctic Ocean.


This is the college Mr. Kurpick attended.

(Hint: New Jersey School)

Where is Montclair State?


This is the amount of bones in the human body.

(Points for if you're within 6. DOUBLE if you get it perfect!)

What is 206?


In "Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up," this is the twist ending.

What is the businessman AND the diner worker are both different aliens?


In the movie adaptation of The Giver, this is the area Jonas crosses to send the memories back to the Community.

Where is the Boundary of Memory?


This is the main gas found in the air we breathe?

What is Nitrogen?


This is the year Mr. Kurpick was born.

(Give you the points if you're within 5 years)

When was 1996?


This is the currency in England.

What is the pound?