Scale Copies I
Scale Copies II
Scale Drawings
The Factor

What is a scaled copy?

A shape that has been enlarged or reduced.


What are corresponding parts?

A point, segment, or angle in the same position but on a different figure.


What is a scale drawing?

An actual object that has been proportional enlarged or reduced so it can be shown on a piece of paper.


What is a scale factor?

The number that you multiplying the scale copy by to figure out the actual measurements


What are the two requirements for a scaled copy?

1) ALL distances/sides must be multiplied by the same number.

2) ALL of the angles must stay the same.


What is the corresponding part to point A and Point B?

Point E corresponds to Point A

Point F corresponds to Point B


When creating a scale drawing, do you calculate and measure your new lengths then draw, or draw then measure and calculate your new lengths?

You must calculate and measure your new lengths, then you can draw those lengths to make your scaled drawing.


What will happen to the shape when your scale factor is greater than 1?

Example: scale factor = 2

The scale copy will be enlarged (bigger)


Is this a scaled copy?

Yes, it is!!



Is Miss. McKinley right handed or left handed?


A scale drawing of a school bus has a scale of 1 inches to 7 feet. If the length of the school bus is 3 inches on the scale drawing, what is the actual length of the bus?

The actual length of the bus is 21 feet.

Reasoning: The scale factor is 7 because 

1 *7 = 7   so   3*7 = 21


What will happen to the shape when your scale factor is less than 1? (or when you divide by the scale factor)

Example: scale factor = 


The scale copy will be reduced (smaller).


Double Jeopardy!!!!!

What type of pet does Ms. McKinley have?

Ms. McKinley has two cats.


Rectangle A is 8 in by 2 in.

Select all of the measurements that would create scaled copies of Rectangle A.

A: 40 in by 10 in

B: 10 in by 2.5 in

C: 9 in by 3 in

D: 7 in by 1 in

E: 6.4 in by 1.6 in

Measurements A, B, and E.


A map of the local park is made with the scale 1 inch to 200 feet.

Find the actual measurements of the park.

The park is 1000 ft by 2400 ft

Reasoning: The scale factor is 200 so each side is multiplied by 200 .... but the length of the park has to be turned into inches first!!


Find the scale factor

The scale factor is 2


Which one is not a scaled copy? Be ready to explain why.

Copy 3 is not a scaled copy because every side was not multiplied by the same scale factor.


There are two different scaled copies of a rectangle. 

The scale of the first copy is 1cm = 10m. 

The scale of the second copy is 1cm = 50m. 

If the length of the rectangle is 15 cm on the first scale copy, how long will it be on the second?

The length on the second scaled copy would be 3cm.

Reasoning: On the first scale drawing ...

1cm = 10m so 15cm = 150m

That means on the second drawing

if 1cm = 50m then 150m would equal 3cm


A cover of a book shown on a website is 1.5 inches wide and 3 inches tall in a picture. 

The actual book is 9 inches wide.

What scale is being used for the book? AND How tall is the actual book?

The scale factor is 6 so the scale would be 1 inch for every 6 inches.

The actual book is 18 inches tall.


Find the scale factor

The scale factor is 1.5