Plot Diagram
Elements of Literature
Forms of Literature

This is typically at the beginning of the story. It provides information about the setting (when and where) and characters. 

a. Rising action

b. Exposition

c. Resolution

What is B. Exposition


This element of literature tells the reader the time, geographic location, and surroundings within a narrative.

a. Exposition

b. Plot

c. Setting

What is C. Setting


This type of conflict is when the character is facing internal struggles. For example, a character may be battling a mental health issue, or they may struggle with making a major decision.

a. Character vs. self

b. Character vs. supernatural

c. Character vs. society

a. Character vs. self


This form of literature is usually seen in plays, it focuses on dialogue:

a. Script

b. Short Story

c. Novel

a. Script


How many sentences should our daily journal prompts be?

a. Minimum of one sentence

b. Minimum of 4-5 sentences, AKA one paragraph

c. The limit does not exist

b. Minimum of 4-5 sentences, AKA one paragraph


The turning point of a story:

a. Climax

b. Falling action

c. Resolution

What is A. Climax


This element is is the sequence of events where each action affects the next one.

a. Plot

b. Plot Diagram

c. Theme

What is A. Plot


If the main conflict in a narrative is between the protagonist and a ghost, then the type of conflict would be considered:

a. Character vs. Character

b. Character vs. Supernatural

C. Character vs. Society

B.  Character vs. Supernatural


True or false: Novels can describe settings and characters in great detail.



When should we capitalize

a. At the beginning of each sentence

b. Any 'I' Statements

c. Proper nouns

d. All of the above

d. All of the above


The events that lead to the turning point of the story is known as the:

a. exposition

b. climax

c. rising action

What is C. Rising Action


They are used to perform actions and/or speak a dialogue in order to move the narrative forward.

a. Setting

b. Characters

c. Audience

What is B. Characters


In the movie Batman Vs. The Joker- The Joker is a villain who wants to cause mayhem in the city of Gotham but, Batman stops him and gives Gotham the hero it deserves and puts The Joker in his place. What kind of conflict is this?

a. Character vs. Character

b. Character vs. Self

c. Character vs. Nature

a. Character vs. Character


If your audience is children (4-6), and your topic is cats, what form might you use?

a. Research Paper

b. Novel

c. Poem

C. Poem


Using your five senses to describe something is known as...

a. Simile

b. Metaphor

c. Sensory Language

c. Sensory Language


True or false: The resolution of a story ALWAYS includes a happy ending.


This character does NOT change throughout a narrative.

a. Static Character

b. Dynamic Character

What is A. Static Character


True of false: Conflict is NOT the same as the climax.



This form of writing is great for expressing emotion

a. Short Story

b. Poem

c. Novel

b. Poem


The character that goes against the protagonist is known as the:

a. Protagonist

b. Antagonist

c. Love Interest

B. Antagonist


The events that lead to the resolution is known as the:

a. Rising action

b. Falling action

c. Exposition

What is B. Falling Action


The mood implied by an author's word choice and the way that the text can make a reader feel is known as the:

a. Mood

b. Theme

c. Tone

What is C. Tone


With this kind of conflict, the character is usually faced with a battle against technology that has become too powerful.

a. Character vs. Society

b. Character vs. Technology

c. Character vs. Self

b. Character vs. Technology


This form of writing typically focuses on one main event, and is driven by plot and action.

a. Novel

b. Script

c. Short Story

c. Short Story


Which of the following is NOT an active listening skill:

a. Clarifying

b. Paraphrasing

c. Conversing

c. Conversing