Word Jumble

What is the past simple of "go"?



Who is an optician?

An eye doctor


How long have you been learning English for?

Examples of acceptable answers:

I just started.

I have been learning English for 10 years.


Sort the following words into a sentence:

school - love - I - to - going

I love going to school.


Tell us your favorite memory from 2024 so far.

Example of an acceptable answer:

My fav memory was when I score a goal in a football game.

My fav memory was spending time with my family.


What is the reported speech version of:

Grace: "I am walking home tonight."

She said she was walking home that night.


What is a timer?

a device used to keep track of a specific amount of time


Have you ever bought something and never worn it? Why?

Examples of acceptable answers:

Yes because once I got home I realized it was not cute.

No because I really value everything I buy.


Sort the following words into a sentence:

my - Sometimes - annoys - brother - really - me

Sometimes, my brother really annoys me.


Pick something up and put it down.

Do this action :)


Identify which of the following nouns are countable and uncountable:

homework, pen, water, computer

Countable: pen(s), computer(s)

Uncountable: homework, water


What does it mean when someone "prefers" something?

They like one thing over the other.


How do you usually get to school? (transportation)

Examples of acceptable answers:

I take the metro.

My mom drives me to school.


Sort the following words into a sentence:

travel - to - summer - family - my - with - want - I - this

I want to travel this summer with my family.


What is one of your favorite (appropriate!) English words?

Example of acceptable answers:

dog, unfortunately, optimistically, optician


Use the appropriate modal verb for the following sentence.

You ____ sleep tonight. You have a really long day tomorrow which requires a good night of rest.

Acceptable choices: must, ought to

Also acceptable: have to, need to


Name some "special occasions".

Examples: Weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, funerals, retirement.


Is a high salary an important factor for you in a job? Why?

Examples of acceptable answers:

No because I just want to be happy with my job.

Yes because I would like to be able to support myself and have extra leftover.


Sort the following words into a sentence:

Sydnee - well - wants - test - to - do - seems - hard - it - really - on - her - but

Sydnee wants to do well on her test, but it seems really hard.


What are two definitions for the phrasal verb "look up"?

Searching for something online or literally looking upwards.


Identify which of the following three sentences are the zero, first, or second conditionals.

1. When it rains, it pours.

2. If I were smarter, I would have gone to Harvard.

3. If you study, you will pass the test!

When it rains, it pours. ZERO

If I were smarter, I would have gone to Harvard. SECOND

If you study, you will the pass the test! FIRST


Name 8 things you would find in someone's closet.

Examples: Shoes, shirts, jeans, pants, jackets, coats, scarves, hats, tank tops, sweaters, sweatshirts, blouses, socks, underwear, shorts, etc.


Are rules and regulations necessary in life? Explain.

Examples of acceptable answers:

Yes because otherwise there would be no order and everyone would behave poorly.

No because there is a common sense of what is right and wrong, and people respect that.


Sort the following words into a sentence:

gone - to - store - today - pick - me - football - had - to - from - practice - My - have - mom - up - the - would - she

My mom would have gone to the store today, but she had to pick me up from football practice.


Name 10 words that start with the letter s.

Examples: singer, song, sunglasses, simple, sunny, so, such, sore, steal, style, sunscreen, street, school, softball, smooth