What do you do if you have a big problem?
Tell an adult you trust
Cuts and styles people's hair.
Name any kind of relaxation technique. (A way to calm down)
any acceptable answer
I feel ________ because my cat is sick.
sad, scared
What are the three school counselors names.
Mrs. Govar, Mrs. Shull and Mrs. Snow
If you have a small problem, how many choices should you try before you tell an adult?
at least 2
I help to keep people safe. I may preform traffic stops, get called to the scene of a crime etc.
True or False Drawing and Writing about your feelings is not helpful.
I feel ______ because we won the game.
Excited, proud, happy
What are 3 ways to be kind?
Sharing, Smiling, Helping, etc.
Ruby Jean just cut in front of you in line. You are very angry. Is this a big problem or a small problem?
Small Problem
I take care of sick people and take direction from the doctor.
Nurse, CNA, other medical answers may work
What is an example of a physical activity to help you feel better?
dancing, running, jumping jacks, basketball, etc.
Name 2 or more comfortable emotions.
Happy, excited, elated, content, relieved, focused
Conway Cougars are expected to be these 3 things:
safe, respectful and responsible
Someone is making noise that is bothering you, what Kelso's choice could you try?
Ask them to stop, Walk away, Talk it out, etc.
I work in a kitchen and create delicious food
Show us how to do lazy eight breathing or roller coaster breathing.
Give an example of an I message if a friend wasn't able to come and play.
I feel disappointed because you couldn't come and play.
Name a book we read together this year
We're all Wonders, The Power of One, any other titles that we read.
What is the difference between a small problem and a big problem?
Big problems are when someone or something is hurt or may be hurt--everything else small.
I use big machinery and work outside.
farmer, construction worker
What is the Push Pull Dangle or a grounding activity that uses your 5 senses.
any acceptable answer.
What are three positive things you could do if you felt angry?
Dance, Breathe, Walk Away, etc.
What was important about the book The Power of One.
One kindness can make a big change.