Character Traits
Grammar 1
Grammar 2

Define Direct and Indirect Characterization

Direct: author/characters give explicit information about the character like eye and hair color

Indirect: reader has to infer character traits based on actions and dialogue 


What is the difference between implied and explicit theme?

Implied theme is an inference that is made by the reader. Explicit theme is told by the author to the reader.


Identify the coordinating conjunction in the sentence below.

I want to travel to Australia, and my brother wants to travel to Antarctica.



Complete the sentence below with correct subject/verb agreement.

_______ has 10 minutes to submit ______ essay on time.

He/she has 10 minutes to submit his/her essay on time.


What is the difference between mood and tone?

Mood is the readers thoughts on the story. Tone is the author's feeling towards the topics presented in the story. Mood can change throughout, but the tone stays the same.


What is the difference between round and flat characters?

Round characters have multiple character traits. Flat characters have only one character trait.


What are the phases of a plot?

Exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution


Identify the pronouns in the sentence below.

Her assignment was completed well.



Write an example on the board of a compound-complex sentence.

Before Fiesta de Hornets, the class watched Cars, and they worked on the exam study guide.

How are internal and external motivation different?

Internal motivation comes from the the thoughts and feelings of a character. External motivation comes from outside pressure.


Define the difference between dynamic and static characters.

Dynamic characters show a change throughout the story. Static characters do not show any change throughout the story.


What is an author's point of view?

The belief of the author.


Define metaphor, personification, and simile.

Metaphor: A comparison that does not use like or as

Personification: An inanimate object having qualities of characteristics of a person

Simile: A comparison that uses like or as


Identify the participle phrase and the noun it modifies.

The flier announcing the concert was posted today.

Phrase: Announcing the concert

Noun: flier


If the claim is that students should be allowed to wear headphones in class, what would the counterclaim be?

Students should not be allowed to wear headphones in class.


Give an example of a character who we read this year that is round.

Anne Frank, Barrington Irving, Charlie, etc


Read the story and make a prediction about what the next event of the story could be using inferences. 

Ray’s parents had told him he wasn’t allowed to play any sports until his grades were at B or above. He had mostly C’s on his report card. His parents reacted very badly and even took his phone and computer away to punish him. He went to soccer tryouts anyway, assuming his performance on the field would change his parents’ minds. However, his parents know nothing about soccer.

An inference that could be made about the story is that Ray’s parents will be unhappy and not support his decision to try out anyway.


What is the difference between denotation and connotation?

Denotation is the dictionary definition and connotation is the emotion/feeling of a word.

Fix the capitalization in the sentence below.

diego asked, "is ayden singing in the show next week?"

Diego asked, "Is Ayden singing in the show next week?"


What is the definition of the -ous suffix?

Full of or characterized by


Read the passage below and list character traits of the main characters. 

“Could I please have extra salad?” Athens confidently asked the woman behind the lunch counter. Beth, who had been watching her new friend carefully, suddenly pushed her tray across the counter as well. 

“Oh, good idea, could I have some salad too?” she asked. As the woman

piled more salad onto Beth’s already-full tray, Athens began walking back to

a table filled with kids their age. They all waved at Athens and began shuffling around to make room for her. Beth grabbed her tray back and rushed off to catch up with her.

“This salad is sooo great,” Beth announced as she sat beside Athens. Athens agreed and Beth relaxed with her new friend’s approval.

Athens: confident, proud, leader 

Beth: nervous, follower, anxious, friendly 


Read the passage below and answer the questions. 

I was strolling along slowly, the way all tortoises stroll, on my way to the animal reunion. As I approached the crowd, Hare ran toward me, waving a flyer. It described a race that was about to start. Silence fell on the crowd as they watched Hare challenge me to race him. Everyone knew that Hare won all the races, so they were eager to hear how I would respond. Being a good sport, I agreed to race Hare. As the race began, Hare left me in a cloud of dust. I plodded along, in my way, slowly making progress. About halfway through the race, Hare looked back and couldn’t see me at all, so he decided to take a quick nap. While Hare slept, I plodded along. In fact, I plodded past him and went on to the finish line. The roar of the crowd woke Hare. He was confused and embarrassed, while I proudly showed off my medal. Remember that overconfidence and arrogance can lead to failure. 

  1. Is the theme implied or explicit? 

  2. What line shows that the theme is implied or explicit?  

The theme is explicit. The line that says this is, "Remember that overconfidence and arrogance can lead to failure."


List the following words in order from the most positive to the most negative connotation. 

cheap, inexpensive, low priced, affordable, reasonable

cheap, inexpensive, low priced, affordable, reasonable


What clauses are presented in the sentences below?

1. The contest will begin precisely at 3:00 unless there is a rain delay.

2. It is the boy who should be ashamed.

3. I love the new season of Outer Banks!

1. Adverb

2. Relative

3. Independent


List the five verb moods with their definition.

Conditional: If this, then this

Subjunctive: Suggestion

Imperative: Command

Indicative: Statement

Interrogative: Question