Phrases for fluency

Which phrase isn't used to express frustration?

a. I'm hopeless

b. No chance

c. I give up

d. Calm down 

c. Calm down


Choose one alternative out of the two.

Remember to take/taking your snack wherever you go.

to take


Give a verb which means 

'to walk around without any clear purpose or direction'



Which phrase might mean "логично":

a. Fair enough

b. Go for it

c. That's just it

d. Give it a rest

Fair enough


Which phrase means 'сразу':

a. too right

b. right up to

c. all right

d. right away

d. Right away


Pick the odd one out

a. I'm feeling quite apprehensive

b. I've got a really good feeling

c. I'm getting so worked up

d. I'm dreading it

b. I've got a really good feeling


Complete the sentence/Choose one out of the two:

I'm from Sweden so I _____ used to cold weather.

Masai people are used to hearing/to hear lions at night.

When I was a child I used to/was used to imagine being a pirate.


to hearing

used to


Give the adjectives meaning:

-feeling extremely embarrased about something you have done   -------

- feeling the need for or wanting something very much  --------

- ashamed

- desperate


Complete the question with one of the phrases below:

Why __________ did you dye your hair green?

a. at least

b. don't bother

c. on earth

d. for a start

c. on earth


Complete the sentence with one of the phrases: 

___________. I just can't get the keys out.

a. So far, so good

b. not very good at

c. It's no good

d. it's all good

c It's no good


Sympathise with the person using a proper phrase and a past modal:

Dad crashed mum's car yesterday!

Oh dear! What a shame! Poor him! How terrible!

He must have been tired.

He can't have been happy about it.


Choose one out of the two: 

Mum came and ate with us at a restaurant.

a. She needn't have cooked

b. She didn't have to cook

b. She didn't have to cook


Translate into English:

"пытаться изо всех сил"

"застревать на чем-то/долго думать о чем-то"

"оправдать собственные ожидания"

try your hardest

dwell on smth

live up to your expectations


Which phrase means 'So, let me change the subject':

a. Fair enough

b. Anyway

c. Go for it

d. for a start

b. Anyway


Choose the correct options:

1. Can you move? You're in a way/in my way

2. He dances the same way/in a way he sings - badly!

3. She can't come. In a way/in her way I'm happy because I don't really like her.

1. in my way

2. the same way

3. in a way


Respond to the phrase. Say 'yes' and add a condition (use altenative to 'if').

Can I use your phone?

Yes, as lons as/provided you...


Complete the second sentence so as it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given.

Today's test was much easier than yesterday's test.


Today's test was_________ as yesterday's test.

Today's test was nowhere as difficult as yesterday's test.


Translate into English (use phrasal verbs):

свалиться с простудой

пробежаться по списку

выработать решение

провести эксперимент

come down with a cold

run through the list

work our a solution

carry out an experiment


Match the two halves of the phrases:

1. Same                            a. a shout

2. Something                     b. were we?

3. Give me                         c. or other

4. Where                            d. here

1 d

2 c

3 a

4 b


Match the phrases with their meanings:

1. the way                        a. very/really

2. one way or another       b. the manner or method

3. way too                       c. between me and                                                      something else

4. in my way                   d. no matter how

1 b

2 d

3 a

4 c


Your friend is toying with your phone. You don't like it. Try and ask them to change their behaviour. Do so in a polite way.

I'd rather/I'd sooner you didn't...

I'd prefer it if you didn't...


Report three sentences:

'When did you start this job?'

'Is your job well-paid?'

'Help me, please!'

She asked me when I started that job

She asked me if my job was well-paid

She asked me to help


Give the patterns for these reporting verbs:




warn + someone+ about something/warn + someone + to do smth

accuse someone of smth/doing smth

admit + that+clause/+ gerund/+ to + gerund


Match the halves of the sentences:

1. It will cost us $10      a. on earth have you been?

2. It's ok. Don't             b. case, you know it's bad   

3. Karen, where            c. bother sending me a reply

4. In any                      d. at least

1 d

2 c

3 a

4 b


Match two sentence halves:

1. I have an hour                   a. so. But I'm not sure

2. Hundreds of people             b. or so

have bought tickets

3. I guess                               c. so far

1 b

2 c

3 a