The primary form of heat transfer that allows a hot air balloon to rise into the air
What is convection?
The pull of the Moon and Sun on the Earth's oceans
What is the main cause of tides?
The brain and spinal cord
What are the two main organs of the nervous system?
Ms. Christophi has ____ daughter(s).
What is 2?
The island we visited for ESP
What is Pulau Pari?
In a chemical change, particles rearrange themselves to form _______________
What is a new substance?
Caused by Earth's tilted axis and and the angle of Sun's rays as Earth orbits the Sun
What are seasons on Earth?
The skin and mucous membranes (in the eyes, ears, mouth, etc.) keeping pathogens from entering the body
What is the first layer of defense in the immune system?
Mr. Puls' and Mr. Suarez's home state
What is Michigan?
Something teachers never ask you to do in person, but during Online Learning had to ask at least one person every class
What is "Can you please turn your camera on?"
The primary form of heat transfer that makes coal walking a (mostly) silly idea
What is conduction?
What is the angle Earth's axis is tilted at?
White blood cells attracted by cytokines that consume pathogens both in the innate and adaptive responses
What are phagocytes?
The date of the first day of hybrid learning this school year (within 30 days)
What was September 10, 2021?
The two main science fields of study for next year, along with computer science
What are physics and chemistry?
What is an example of a chemical change?
What is the combustion reaction?
Length of daylight (in hours) in North Pole when Earth is tilted away from the Sun
What is 0 hours?
Attach themselves to pathogens to mark them for destruction
What are antibodies?
What you were told to do when you heard this:
What is turn around and watch the tiny screen in the back of the Jatayu?
The names of your principal and two vice principals next year in JIS High School
Lauren Pool, Ryan Campbell, Ryan Burke